ITS News

Tuesday, July 02, 2024
May 17, 2022 19:05

With Panasonic, ITS is Ready to Amplify 5G Ecosystem Research

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Wakil Presdir PT Panasonic Gobel Life Solutions Manufacture Indonesia Heru Santoso (kiri) dan Wakil Rektor IV ITS Bambang Pramujati ST MScEng PhD (kanan) menunjukkan naskah MoU usai ditandatangani

Vice President Director of PT Panasonic Gobel Life Solutions Manufacture Indonesia Heru Santoso (left) and ITS Vice Rector IV Bambang Pramujati ST MScEng PhD (right) show the MoU script after the signing.

ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continues to be determined to improve the welfare of the community, especially in the industrial sector by advancing technology, research and renewable innovation. This was proven by ITS by signing a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with PT Panasonic Gobel Life Solutions Manufacturing Indonesia in the Senate Meeting Room of the ITS Rectorate Building, Tuesday (17/5).

In this meeting, ITS Vice Rector IV for Research, Innovation, Cooperation, and Alumni Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng PhD said they carried out discussions between the two parties to extend ITS collaboration with Panasonic. On this occasion, ITS succeeded in exploring one of the developments of notable lighting product innovations and in-house LED bulb production automation.

Not only that, but Panasonic also provides samples of lighting products with smart meters with the aim of industry 4.0 towards an ecosystem of 5G technology and water purifiers. They together made this innovation based on the request of ITS in the previous discussion with the concept of installing lights throughout Surabaya with night landscaping. “Street lights in Surabaya will be fitted with lamps from Panasonic and facilitated by the 5G feature,” explained the lecturer at the Mechanical Engineering Department.

Penyampaian sambutan sekaligus diskusi singkat yang dipimpin oleh Wakil Rektor IV ITS Bambang Pramujati ST MScEng PhD (kanan)

Delivering remarks as well as a brief discussion led by ITS Vice Rector IV Bambang Pramujati ST MScEng PhD (right)

Bambang said the assessment was based on innovation development clusters on both sides. It can be seen that there are four clusters at ITS that collaborate with Panasonic, namely the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Robotics cluster, the Maritime cluster, the Automotive cluster, and the Creative Design cluster. “Therefore, they carried out this MoU activity to continue the ongoing collaboration program between the ITS clusters and Panasonic,” said Bambang.

In response to this, the Vice President Director of PT Panasonic Gobel Life Solutions Manufacture Indonesia, Heru Santoso, also said that ITS always prioritizes its development, especially in innovation and research. “We hope to carry out this collaboration with ITS in a sustainable manner,” he said.

Heru also added that Panasonic could assist ITS in developing research products into products ready to be mass-produced by the industry, such as the Gesits electric motorcycle. He also revealed that ITS students could support realizing small programs owned by Panasonic.

Foto bersama para pimpinan ITS dengan delegasi dari PT Panasonic Gobel Life Solutions Manufacturing Indonesia yang bertempat di Gedung Rektorat ITS

Group photo of ITS leaders with a delegation from PT Panasonic Gobel Life Solutions Manufacturing Indonesia, which took place at the ITS Rectorate Building

From the signing of this MoU, both parties hope that ITS and Panasonic can do an internship at Panasonic to realize the Independent Learning program launched by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) RI as well as the development of in-depth research and innovation.

In addition, it is also expected that all research and technology development can be assisted and accompanied by ITS. “Hopefully, this cooperation can be realized and continue to be well established,” concluded Heru optimistically. (ITS PR)


Reporter: Fauzan Fakhrizal Azmi

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