ITS Campus, ITS News – Responding to enthusiasts’ enthusiasm to enter the design department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) relaunched the ITS Design Entrance Exam (UMDesain) in 2022. This pathway aims to accommodate prospective students interested in joining the ITS design department, namely the Department of Visual Communication Design (DKV), Interior Design, and Industrial Product Design (Despro).
The Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Creative Design and Digital Business (FDKBD) ITS Ellya Zulaikha ST MSn Ph.D. said UMDesain is an entry point for the design department last held in 2017. This happens because UMDesain is one of the entrances with a concept such as the National Selection for State Universities (SNMPTN). “Initially, in 2017, there was still no SNMPTN because the Higher Education Entrance Test Institute (LTMPT) had not yet been formed,” he explained.
The Despro Department lecturer explained that UMDesign ITS participants had to take one test package, the Academic Potential Test (TPA) and the Drawing Test. He added that participants could attach the Computer-Based Writing Test (UTBK) value. “We consider this if their UTBK value is higher than the TPA value,” he explained.
Ellya added that prospective students could follow UMDesign ITS by following two conditions. These requirements include choosing a major that is only aimed at the ITS design study program and selecting a design study program as the first choice when the science technology test (science and technology) and social humanities (soshum).
Held on July 3, 2022, UMDesain ITS will be implemented offline in Surabaya (ITS Sukolilo Campus) and Jakarta. Thus, Ellya appealed to the participants to obey the health protocols (prokes) when carrying out the exam. “Although the pandemic has improved, we still must not be careless in terms of progress,” he ordered.
In addition, continued Ellya, participants are required to bring a registration card, identity card in the form of an identity card (KTP), and medical equipment. “For more on what to prepare and do, participants can check the ITS partnership and independent selection website,” he said.
Closing the launch session of UMDesain ITS, the doctoral alumnus of the Queensland University of Technology, Australia, hopes the participants will follow the schemes and regulations the committee has described well. Ellya also expressed her happiness to the participants for her enthusiasm for the ITS design study program. “Keep the spirit, and we are waiting for your presence to become a big family of ITS design study program,” he concluded. (AJ/ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: Bima Surya Samudra
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