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June 11, 2022 20:06

Develop Autonomous Robot Ship, ITS Barunastra Optimistic to Win IRC 2022 Champion

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Direktur Kemahasiswaaan ITS Dr Imam Abadi ST MT memberikan sambutannya dalam acara peluncuran kapal Nala Theseus dari Tim Barunastra ITS untuk bertarung di ajang International Roboboat Competition 2022 di Florida, AS

ITS Director of Student Affairs, Dr. Imam Abadi ST MT, gave his remarks at the launch of the Nala Theseus ship from the ITS Barunastra Team to compete in the 2022 International Roboboat Competition (IRC) in Florida, USA

ITS Campus, ITS News– Welcoming the 2022 International Roboboat Competition (IRC), Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) back ready to show his achievements. This time, the ITS Barunastra Team, through its newest ship, Nala Theseus, is prepared to compete and make ITS and Indonesia proud at the prestigious IRC 2022 competition in Florida, United States, on June 20-25.

Nawab Aditya, Head of the ITS Barunastra Team, explained that the competition held by AUVSI (Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International) was aimed at finding innovations and solutions to the challenges faced by the modern maritime industry today. “In 2018 and 2019 alone, Barunastra ITS managed to become the IRC General Champion in a row and won the title of back-to-back champions,” he said proudly

Dosen pembimbing Tim Barunastra ITS Dr Rudy Dikairono ST MT memberikan sambutannya dalam acara peluncuran kapal Nala Theseus

ITS Barunastra Team supervisor Dr. Rudy Dikairono ST MT gave his speech at the Nala Theseus ship launching event

Nawab continued, reflecting on this achievement; the ITS Barunastra Team is optimistic that it will be able to win the IRC 2022 again with its new ship, the Nala Theseus. The Nala Theseus has a total length of 0.88 meters and a total width of 0.72 meters. “The hull of this ship is made of fiberglass or glass fiber and is strong enough to solve various challenges at IRC 2022,” he added.

In addition, Nala Theseus has a different concept compared to previous ships. This ship is designed with a modular concept that divides the ship into small parts so that it can be modified and replaced independently with other modules. “This concept is advantageous because it can be easily assembled and disassembled according to the desired destination and makes shipping easier,” said Nawab.

Tampilan prototipe kapal Nala Theseus dari Tim Barunastra ITS yang mengusung konsep modularity dan akan berlaga pada ajang IRC 2022 di Florida, AS

Display of the prototype ship Nala Theseus from the ITS Barunastra Team, which carries the concept of modularity and will compete at the IRC 2022 event in Florida, USA

The Nala Theseus must carry out many missions at the IRC 2022 event. Among them namely the skeeball mission and the water blast mission. In the skeeball mission, the ship must be able to throw the ball towards a predetermined target. “Meanwhile, in the water last mission, the ship must be able to spray water to a predetermined target,” continued this Electrical Engineering student.

From the various advantages of the Nala Theseus ship, the ITS Barunastra Team is optimistic that it can win the championship at the IRC 2022 event later. “Along with prayers, hard work, and support from many parties, the ITS Barunastra Team is confident and confident to be able to give the best to make ITS and Indonesia proud,” he said optimistically.

Demonstrasi kapal Nala Theseus pada tantangan Waterblast sebagai persiapan Tim Barunastra ITS berlaga di ajang International Roboboat Competition 2022 di Florida, AS

Demonstration of the Nala Theseus ship in the Waterblast challenge in preparation for the ITS Barunastra Team to compete in the 2022 International Roboboat Competition in Florida, USA

The launch, which took place at the ITS Rectorate Building, was attended directly by the ITS Director of Student Affairs, Dr. Imam Abadi ST MT, the supervisor of the ITS Barunastra Team, Dr. Rudy Dikairono ST MT, the Robotics Student Student Unit (UKM) Supervisor Muhtadin ST MT, and other ITS officials. The launch event introduced new features and demonstrated the Nala Theseus ship that will compete at IRC 2022.

In the launch of Nala Theseus Friday (10/6), Imam Abadi revealed that the ITS Barunastra Team focuses on developing autonomous robotic ships or ASV (Autonomous Surface Vehicles) and has gained many achievements both on a national and international scale. “ITS will continue to support the ITS Barunastra Team. Congratulations and success for the 2022 IRC competition,” he said in support.

Tim Barunastra ITS bersama prototipe Kapal Nala Theseus yang bersiap untuk berlaga di International Roboboat Competition (IRC) 2022 di Florida, AS

The ITS Barunastra Team with the prototype of the Nala Theseus Ship which is preparing to compete in the 2022 International Roboboat Competition (IRC) in Florida, USA

In line with this statement, Rudy Dikairono said that the Barunastra Team, established in 2012, has participated in the IRC event since 2016 and has won many awards during its participation. “Competing in the IRC 2022 event is not easy, but I am sure the ITS Barunastra Team will again bring home the overall champion,” he said optimistically. (ITS Public Relation)

Reporter: Tyara Novia Andhin

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