ITS Campus, ITS News – Distance learning (PJJ) has become a significant need in the last two years since the pandemic. Unfortunately, the facilities for PJJ have not been fulfilled in disadvantaged, frontier, and outermost (3T) areas. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya, through PT ITS Tekno Sains, in collaboration with PT Panggung Electric Citrabuana, developed a Digital Transformation Services of ITS (DigITS) tablet for use by students in the 3T area.
ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng said that this DigitlTS tablet is a form of implementation of the very real triple helix ABG (Academic, Business, and Government) cooperation.
Through the work of this nation’s children, ITS, together with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), seeks to improve the level of learning and ease of accessing teaching materials through DigITS.
Ashari also said his hope was in a direct visit to PT Panggung Electric Citrabuana to review the manufacture of DigITS. “With this collaboration between various parties, these 5000 DigITS tablets can run well and can immediately be used to make a real contribution to the Indonesian nation,” he hoped.
Meanwhile, the Director of PT ITS Tekno Sains, Dr. Ir I Ketut Gunarta MT explained that DigITS is a red and white tablet mandated by the Ministry of Education and Culture to four universities, one of which is ITS. The development of this tablet is also part of a series of improvements to the domestic component level (TKDN) of the electronics industry in Indonesia.
Furthermore, Gunarta said that 5000 DigITS would be produced in three types of colors, and these include black, gray, and white. “Later on, these 5000 DigITS tablets will be distributed by the Ministry of Education and Culture to campuses in the 3T area,” he explained.
The Head of the Red and White Tablet Development Research Team, Dr. Ir Achmad Affandi DEA, explained further the services available in the DigITS tablet. The first service is “DigITS Apps,” where users can regularly update the DigITS application on their device. Affandi also mentioned that this service is similar to the “mini play store,” which is usually found on Android mobile devices. Later, various applications made by ITS Innovators will be able to be used and downloaded through DigITS. “DigITS’ applications are placed there so that users can download various ITS-owned applications they need,” he said.
The second service is “SatuDikti,” an integrated platform to support various services in higher education with Dikti. Next is a catalog service containing lecture and digital learning materials for different study programs. This catalog is curated from SPADADIKTI, the online learning system owned by the Directorate General of Higher Education.
Lastly is the “idREN” service or the Indonesian Research and Education Network. idREN itself is a unique network infrastructure that connects institutions and research and education communities in Indonesia. Affandi also explained that PT ITS Tekno Sains has prepared services for DigITS tablet users through the website. “This website can be accessed through,” he added. (ITS Public Relation/far)
Reporter: Nurul Lathifah
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