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June 22, 2022 19:06

Patroli Tama, an ITS Student Design Traffic Education Game

Oleh : adminwebits | | Source : ITS Online
Tampilan visual home screen dari gim Patroli Tama, rancangan tim mahasiswa ITS

Home screen visual display of Patroli Tama game, designed by the ITS student team

ITS Campus, ITS News –Traffic accident case data in Indonesia noted that many teenagers aged 15-19 years had driving accidents due to a lack of insight into traffic rules and signs. Therefore, three students of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) designed a real-life traffic simulation game to educate children about existing traffic rules.

Daani Nabil, Kusuma Dewi, and M Nur Abdurrauf created Patroli Tama, the name of this creative game. Patroli Tama tells the story of a boy named Tama who dreams of becoming a traffic policeman after an accident due to another driver’s negligence. The game is now developed for the android platform with a single-player method.

Para mahasiswa ITS yang tergabung dalam tim pencipta gim Patroli Tama

ITS students who are members of Patroli Tama game creator team

Their game targets players aged 7-12 years to train their reactions in understanding traffic signs and rules. Even so, this game can be played by all ages, and the game is also available in an English version to reach a larger audience. “Players from other countries can play this game because of the English language option,” explained M Nur Abdurrauf, the programmer.

Meanwhile, Daani Nabil, a game designer, also added that as players play this game, players will help Tama become a traffic policeman. The game is also presented up to 16 levels with four traffic stages. “Each stage will have four levels that need to be completed. The stage also consists of villages, small towns, metropolitan cities, and industrial areas,” explained the 2019 student.

Tampilan demo gameplay Patroli Tama yang dirancang oleh tim mahasiswa ITS

Patroli Tama gameplay demo display designed by the ITS student team

In detail, at the beginning of the game, you will be given a background story and start from the first level with Tama. Furthermore, a minimum point system for each group must be achieved to win the game. “For getting many points, players must be able to discipline traffic drivers who violate the android screen by clicking on them,” explained Kusuma Dewi, a game artist.

After completing the first four levels, he continued, players can move to the next, more crowded stage, a small town with four new stories. Each step will be adjusted to the level of difficulty from the easiest. “As the stages move, the game will become more complex with the addition of violations,” She explained again.

This type of game is designed to focus on the story and stimulate the brain to think creatively in solving problems. In addition, it can train the ability of accuracy and skill. Because the game they developed has a time system that varies to increase the level’s difficulty. Players will have time variations and new traffic rules at each stage.

Under the guidance of lecturer Hadziq Fabroyir SKom Ph.D. from the Department of Informatics Engineering, this team completed its work within three months. After getting bronze in the 14th Gemastik competition, this team admitted that it would further develop its design game based on input from the judges and supervisors.

When the development of this game is completed, the team hopes that a broad audience, especially children, can play Patroli Tama, so they can better understand the actual traffic situation. “Hopefully, Patroli Tama game can help reduce traffic accidents in Indonesia,” She said optimistically. (ITS Public Relation)


Reporter: Gandhi Kesuma

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