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June 22, 2022 06:06

The Champion Becomes the Host, ITS Holds KRI 2022 Region I and II Preliminaries

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Pembukaan Kontes Robot Indonesia (KRI) 2022 oleh ITS dan Pusat Prestasi Nasional yang digelar secara daring

Opening of the 2022 Indonesian Robot Contest (KRI) by ITS and the National Achievement Center which was held online

ITS Campus, ITS News – Successively carved achievements in the field of robotics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember was again appointed as the host of the 2022 Indonesian Robot Contest (KRI) by the National Achievement Center (Puspresnas). It started with the regional I and II elimination rounds that officially opened online from the ITS Research Center (RC) Auditorium Wednesday (8/6).

As is known, KRI is an annual student competition activity in the field of robotics design and engineering organized by the National Puspresnas of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek). This competition consists of two levels: the regional level and the national level.

Ketua Pelaksana KRI tahun 2022 Dr I Ketut Edi Purnama ST MT saat memaparkan laporan kegiatan KRI 2022 pada acara pembukaan penyisihan Wilayah I dan II

Chief Executive of KRI 2022 Dr I Ketut Edi Purnama ST MT when presenting a report on KRI 2022 activities at the opening of the Regional I and II eliminations

The Chief Executive of KRI 2022, Dr. I Ketut Edi Purnama ST MT said that the regional level KRI was attended by 313 teams from 114 universities in 22 provinces and 14 regions of the Higher Education Service Institution (LLDIKTI). “There are 152 teams from region I and 161 teams from region II,” explained the Dean of the ITS Faculty of Electrical and Informatics Technology (FTEIC).

Hundreds of teams spread across six divisions of the race. 46 teams attended the Abu Indonesia Robot Contest (KRAI) division, 99 teams competed in the Indonesian SAR Robot Contest (KRSRI) division, and 38 teams participated in the Indonesian Dance Robot Contest (KRSTI) division. Furthermore, 52 teams followed the Indonesian Football Robot Contest (KRSBI) on wheels, 19 teams attended the KRSBI Humanoid division, and 59 teams participated in the Indonesian Thematic Robot Contest (KRTMI) division.

It was carried out in a hybrid manner, the participants took part in the online competition, while the judges judged the participants centrally from the ITS RC building. The assessment will take place from 8-13 June 2022. Unlike the previous KRI performances, the winner of each region will be announced at the end of the event. “The winner will still be picked at the same time, it’s just that the announcement is at the end,” explained the lecturer who is usually called Edi.

Wakil Rektor I ITS Prof Dr Ir Adi Supriyanto MT saat menyampaikan sambutannya dalam pembukaan KRI 2022 Wilayah I dan II

ITS Vice Chancellor I Prof Dr Ir Adi Supriyanto MT when delivering his remarks at the opening of KRI 2022 Regions I and II

Not just a competition, ITS Deputy Chancellor I Prof. Dr. Ir Adi Supriyanto MT in his speech said that KRI is also a place to find talent in the field of robotics that supports the future of the Indonesian nation. “ITS will continue to fully support this competition because it is in line with our motto (ITS, ed) Advancing Humanity,” said this professor of Electrical Engineering.

Ultimately, they advised the participants to enter the competition fairly and honestly. No less important than medals, participants can learn to test themselves and the resilience of their ideas. “This is also a process of building character, togetherness, fairness, and so on that are enforced by the jury,” said Adi reminded. (ITS PR)


Reporter: Dian Nizzah Fortuna

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