ITS Campus, ITS News – The announcement of the admission results of the 2022 State University Joint Entrance Selection (SBMPTN) can be accessed today, Thursday (23/6), at 15.00. This year, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) succeeded in accepting 1,646 of the 19,778 prospective new students to become part of the ITS extended family.
ITS Deputy Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir Adi Soeprijanto MT said, this year’s ITS SBMPTN is only for prospective undergraduate students (S1). However, he added that ITS still always accepts prospective students from the vocational program or applied undergraduate (D4). “For this year, prospective vocational program students can register for the ITS vocational admission later,” he said.
As one of the best state universities (PTN), ITS managed to reach fifth place in the average computer-based written test (UTBK) score in the field of Science and Technology (Saintek). As for the field of Social and Humanities (Soshum), ITS managed to maintain its position in the sixth rank. “Indirectly, this shows that ITS will still accept quality and intelligent new students,” he said.
Furthermore, the ITS Electrical Engineering Professor explained that the departments that received the most prospective students were the Department of Informatics which accepted 90 new students and the Department of Electrical Engineering as many as 80 new students. “Based on the data, the Department of Informatics Engineering and Electrical Engineering is still the prima donna for applicants,” he said.
Finally, Adi hopes that the prospective new students who have passed the exam can show and develop their qualities in ITS. He also added that ITS must indirectly improve human resources (HR) and infrastructure to support new students this year. “With that, new students will have a real contribution in escalating ITS at the national level later,” said Adi optimistically. (ITS PR)
Reporter: Bima Surya Samudra
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