ITS Campus, ITS News – Creativity, as outlined in legit ideas and works, should be shared with the general public as a source of inspiration for innovation that invites appreciation. Showing the innovative potential of its students, the Interior Design Department of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) held a Final Project Exhibition (TA) titled For Your Final Project (FYP) for three consecutive days, starting Monday (27/6).
Located in the exhibition room of the Interior Design Department, FYP Exhibition Coordinator Ferdy Pradipta Zulfaninata revealed that the exhibition of final semester students aims to publicize the ITS Interior Design Department to the wider community. Following the name taken, this FYP exhibition is a series of events, from student final project activities. “Our final task is to design public spaces,” he said.
Not just making designs, Ferdy explained that public spaces designed by students must be based on efforts to solve problems from the problems that exist in society. In this exhibition, design designers are trained to empathize with the community by integrating art, function, technology, and science.
Ferdy added that as a designer, students not only design spatial plans but also carry out the design thinking process. Namely by paying attention to aspects of the material, material, strength, price, to spatial design regulations based on law.
Furthermore, the student living in Surabaya revealed that the TA work from the research stage, brainstorming, to preparing reports, all must be based on literature studies. The design process itself is made using projection mapping and incorporating augmented reality into the interior.
The interior that is made must also be per the expected interior goals. The purpose of this interior, said Ferdy, is divided based on three clusters of knowledge in ITS Interior Design, namely interior science and technology, interior behavior and environment, and interior aesthetics and culture.
While discussing interior goals, Ferdy gave an example of his TA which focuses on behavioral laboratories and interior environments. Taking the object of lodging design, this student who has experience as a laboratory assistant explores the potential of Maratua Island in the Derawan Islands, East Kalimantan.
In his opinian, the relocation of the Capital of the Archipelago (IKN) can raise Maratua Island’s economy because of their relatively close location. “The targets are state officials and their families so that local people don’t just rely on fishermen’s livelihoods,” he said.
Not only in terms of its natural beauty potential, Ferdy said that Maratua Island also has material potential. One of them is in the form of coconut shells produced from the oil production of the local community.
According to him, this coconut shell material can be used as a wall decoration for the inn he designed. So that the design process that is made not only empowers the social and economic capabilities of the community, but also the existing natural materials. “We desire that Maratua Island tourism will develop from the community, by the community, and for the community,” he said hopefully.
Even though it had only been running for one day, Ferdy said he was happy to see the enthusiasm of the visitors. Not only attended by ITS students, but the FYP Exhibition also managed to attract the attention of the general public and was even attended by lecturers and students from other universities. “This shows that ITS Interior Design has been seen as a comparison indicator in the world of student design,” he concluded. (ITS PR)
Reporter: Zanubiya Arifah Khofsoh
Translator : Hanifah Inayah
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