ITS Campus, ITS News– Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continue to strive to improve the quality of each field, especially in the area of facilities and infrastructure, including laboratories. This time, through a leadership meeting, ITS held a discussion with the heads of departments (kadep) and heads of laboratories (kalab) within the Faculty of Science and Data Analytica (FSAD), which continued by visiting every laboratory in FSAD, Tuesday (5/7).
Head of the ITS Biology Department, Dr. Dewi Hidayati SSi MSi, said FSAD has as many as 24 laboratories to support the learning and research of students and lecturers. The laboratories are spread over six different departments. “There are eight physics laboratories, five mathematics laboratories, two chemistry laboratories, four statistics laboratories, four biology laboratories, and one actuarial science laboratory,” she explained.
According to her explanation, it is evident that ITS has worked hard to improve every existing facility to support every student and lecturer activity. Dewi revealed that every laboratory in FSAD has sophisticated and valuable facilities. “There are several examples of advanced facilities, such as physics practicum tools that are operated online, three-dimensional microscopes, and so on,” she said.
Furthermore, She said that currently, ITS has succeeded in having the latest laboratory equipment, namely Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopes (FE-SEM). He explained that the FE-SEM function is to see the microstructure’s morphology in the grains’ size and shape. “So, ITS is the first campus in Indonesia that dares to get this tool as research support,” he said.
Dewi continued that this FE-SEM also can show the crystallographic orientation of the material being binoculars. So, this tool will be handy for various parties who need it. “These parties can come from the world of industry and education,” she said.
Closing the discussion, Dewi hoped that improving the quality of the facilities and infrastructure could increase the opportunities for cooperation with the Tri Dharma higher education institutions, both internally and externally. She also expressed his happiness for the care of ITS leaders to advance the quality the quantity of all existing aspects, especially facilities. “Hopefully, this quality improvement can attract more students who want to study at ITS FSAD,” she concluded optimistically. (ITS Public Relation)
Reporter: Bima Surya Samudra
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