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July 08, 2022 23:07

ITS Strengthens Creative Industry Collaboration with the Best Polish Universities

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Direktur Program Doktoral University Szczecin Prof Jaroslaw Korpysa (kanan) saat diskusi kolaborasi dengan Wakil Dekan FDKBD ITS Ellya Zulaikha ST MSn PhD

Director of the University Szczecin Doctoral Program Prof. Jaroslaw Korpysa (right) during a collaboration discussion with the Deputy Dean of ITS FDKBD Ellya Zulaikha ST MSn PhD

ITS Campus, ITS News – As one of the quality campuses, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has established new relationships with other universities. This time, through the Faculty of Creative Design and Digital Business (FDKBD), ITS had the opportunity to explore research collaborations to receive scholarships with the University of Szczecin, Poladia, which was discussed in the discussion in the Senate Meeting Room of the ITS Rectorate Building, Friday (8/7).

Head of the ITS Business Management (MB) Department, Dr. oec HSG Syarifa Hanoum ST MT, said the collaboration plan was successfully formed with the assistance of the ITS Global Partnership Directorate (DKG). “Currently, one of the ITS MB lecturers is also taking doctoral education at the university, namely Puti Sinansari ST MM,” added the lecturer, who is usually called Eva.

Pemberian cinderamata dari ITS yang diserahkan oleh Wakil Dekan FDKBD ITS Ellya Zulaikha ST MSn PhD (kanan) kepada Direktur Program Doktoral University of Szczecin Prof Jaroslaw Korpysa

Giving souvenirs from ITS, which was handed over by the Deputy Dean of ITS FDKBD Ellya Zulaikha ST MSn Ph.D. (right) to the Director of the University of Szczecin Doctoral Program, Prof. Jaroslaw Korpysa

In the discussion, the Director of the Doctoral Program at the University of Szczecin, Prof. Jaroslaw Korpysa, explained that his party offers a variety of exciting undergraduate and master’s study programs. These include business management, economics and the application of information technology, public administration, and various other study programs. “We offer various opportunities for students to achieve their goals,” he said.

Furthermore, the lecturer interested in entrepreneurship explained that implementing this mobility was aimed at strengthening cooperation in the creative industry, carrying out new programs, and various other subjects. In addition, he offers several scholarships aimed at young lecturers who have the desire to pursue doctoral education.

Para perwakilan dari Fakultas Desain Kreatif dan Bisnis Digital (FDKBD) ITS dan University of Szczecin, Polandia usai diskusi di Gedung Rektorat ITS

Representatives from the ITS Faculty of Creative Design and Digital Business (FDKBD) and the University of Szczecin, Poland, after a discussion at the ITS Rectorate Building

With a span of eight semesters, the University of Szczecin Doctoral Program offers five fields of study. Namely, Science and Natural Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences, Theology, and Medical and Health Sciences. “Of course, we will provide adequate facilities as well as qualified lecturers and students,” Jaroslaw convincingly.

Furthermore, Eva revealed that this opportunity is not only for lecturers. However, this opportunity will also be given to students, especially those specializing in business management. “So, we are very enthusiastic to carry out the Double Degree Program for students who want to study in Poland,” he said.

Closing the discussion, a doctoral alumnus of the University of St. Gallen, Poland, hopes this collaboration can run well and progressively. Not only that, he expressed his happiness because of the enthusiasm from the University of Szczecin and the support from ITS for this collaboration. “We hope that MB ITS and other departments can collaborate with the University of Szczecin,” he concluded. (AJ/ITS Public Relations)


Reporter: Bima Surya Samudra

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