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July 13, 2022 11:07

Introducing Japanese Mystical Culture, ITS shows Yokai Parade

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Rektor ITS dan jajarannya bersama Konsul Jenderal Jepang di Surabaya yang didampingi oleh Asisten Direktur The Japan Foundation Jakarta

The Rector of ITS and his staff, together with the Japanese Consul General in Surabaya. Accompanied by the Assistant Director of The Japan Foundation Jakarta

ITS Campus, ITS News – In the mission of strengthening the understanding of Japanese culture through the visual arts, The Japan Foundation Jakarta actively collaborates in Indonesia to organize various traveling exhibitions, one of which is the Yokai Parade: Supernatural Monsters from Japan. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) was appointed to host the Surabaya area exhibition to showcase the mystical works of curator Yumoto Koichi, July 13 – August 2, 2022

In the opening ceremony of the exhibition launched in ITS Interior Design Department Wednesday (13/7), Consul General of Japan in Surabaya Takeyama Kenichi expressed his gratitude to ITS for being willing to host this Yokai Parade traveling exhibition. In Indonesia, ITS is considered to have become an old friend by various agencies in Japan, including The Japan Foundation Jakarta. “Moreover, ITS always supports cultural development through its departments and faculties,” he said.

Takeyama also explained that Japanese yokai have appeared in various stories as characters who express supernatural powers to instill shock and fear in people. However, as the development of technology slowly brings changes to people’s lives, the yokai seems to gradually become something that is less feared and is seen as a more charming and friendly person.

Rektor ITS Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng (kanan) bersama Konsul Jenderal Jepang di Surabaya Takeyama Kenichi saat meninjau pameran budaya yokai di Departemen Desain Interior ITS

ITS Rector Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng (right) with the Japanese Consul General in Surabaya Takeyama Kenichi while reviewing the yokai culture exhibition at the ITS Interior Design Department

It added that Japanese society still has a culture of enjoying ghost stories in the summer, with yokai seen dominating television screens and theaters across the country. This exhibition focuses on the popularization of yokai by inviting the public to explore the deep world of Japanese mysteries. “It is hoped that this collaboration will strengthen the relationship between Japanese and Indonesian cultures through modern visual arts,” he hoped.

Responding to this, ITS Rector Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng said that this event could be held lively due to the attachment and collaboration between ITS and Japan, which had entered a severe stage in various fields. “Not only supporting developments in the realm of innovation and technology, but ITS is also developing in the realm of local and foreign cultures,” said the professor of Electrical Engineering, who is usually called Ashari.

Sambutan sekaligus peresmian pameran Yokai Parade oleh Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng di Departemen Desain Interior ITS

Speech and inauguration of the Yokai Parade exhibition by ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng in the ITS Interior Design Department

This exhibition is considered to be in line with the vision and mission of ITS through the Faculty of Creative Design and Digital Business (FDKBD) or Creabiz, which will be at the forefront of developing productive and technology-based creative designs. “FDKBD, especially the Interior Design Department, will also be active in supporting cultural education in the development of design-based communities and creative industries,” he explained.

Apart from that, Ashari expresses his interest in yokai culture, which is still widely known by the younger generation thanks to his presence through cartoon series, regional icons, themes on sushi food, and household appliances. Not only that, during the Covid-19 pandemic, it is known that this yokai is also used as an antidote to danger or reinforcement by modern Japanese society.

Salah satu karya kurator Yumoto Koichi yang menyajikan jenis yokai di Jepang dalam bentuk 3 dimensi (3D)

One of the works of curator Yumoto Koichi presents the types of yokai in Japan in 3D (3D)

Visitors to this mystical exhibition will get more detailed stories about famous yokai such as Kappa, Nurikabe, Oiwa, Nine Tail Fox, and the recently popular Amabie during the pandemic. The exhibition consists mainly of good-quality replicas. It implements Augmented Reality (AR) features in several works of art, which will reveal stories about the yokai when scanned in AR Code.

It should also be noted that this exhibition has been traveling around the world since 2021, and Indonesia is the fifth country to have the opportunity to exhibit these works after previously traveling in Slovenia, Italy, Russia, and Turkey. In addition to being held at ITS Surabaya, Yokai Parade also successfully visited Jakarta last June at Bentara Budaya Jakarta. (ITS Public Relation)

Reporter: Fauzan Fakhrizal Azmi

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