One of the students of the ITS KKN Abmas team (right) while validating data in filling out the halal certificate file for MSME actors in Kediri
ITS Campus, ITS News – Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) activists should be able to guarantee the halalness of their products, even though, in reality, there are still many who do not have guarantees. Apart from this, the Real Work Lecture and Community Service team (KKN Abmas) and Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) synergize to disseminate and assist halal certification for MSMEs processed date products in the City of Kediri.
Team leader Prof. Dr. rer nat Fredy Kurniawan MSi revealed that the purpose of the Abmas KKN activity was to provide an understanding of the importance of halal certification for MSME actors, especially the processing of date products. “With this increased insight, it can increase productivity and competitiveness for MSME actors,” he said.
Submission of placards by the ITS KKN Abmas team represented by Prof. Dr. rer nat Fredy Kurniawan MSi (in blue batik) to SMEs in Kediri
For six months since February 2022, this activity began with a workshop for halal driving cadres for students. It assisted in preparing the halal assurance system (SJH) by the ITS Halal Study Center (PKH). “After that, MSME actors are given educational facilities, guidance on filling out SIHALAL (Halal Information System application service for halal certificate registration, ed), as well as halal certificate registration,” explained the Head ITS Chemistry Department.
Prof. Dr. rer nat Fredy Kurniawan MSi (left) when delivering material related to halal certification to MSME actors in Kediri
After that, the activity was closed with the provision of socialization and a logo plaque built by PKH ITS for MSME actors Wednesday (13/7). The material presented was regarding the introduction of halal-haram, unclean, product materials, criteria for the halal assurance system, and the mechanism for halal certification. “The plaque has a barcode containing information on halal certification from the related MSMEs,” explained Fredy.
In addition, continued Fredy, dates are one of the products whose post-harvest processing becomes a ready-to-eat product. There are MSME processed dates in the city of Kediri, including Lily Food, Kediri Dates, and Sinoma. The three MSMEs produce processed products in date sauce, date ice cream, goat’s milk honey dates, date cookies, and dates sinom.
Various processed date products from MSMEs in Kediri who received assistance to get halal certification from the ITS KKN Abmas team
In this Abmas KKN, there were also four other lecturers from the Chemistry Department, 14 students from the Chemistry Department, and one from the ITS Statistics Department. Previously, the student team had attended training as a halal companion organized by ITS PKH. “KKN students assist with digital promotions,” he added.
One of the lecturers in the ITS Abmas KKN team Dr. Drs Eko Santoso MSi (dressed in white), when delivering halal certificate material to MSME actors in Kediri.
Finally, Fredy hopes that the activities KKN AbmasThis can improve the understanding of halal certification to the public, especially MSME actors. With increased knowledge, it becomes an impetus to get a halal certificate. “The more halal-certified products, the better their business prospects,” he said. (ITS Public Relation)
Reporter: Rayinda Santriana U S
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