ITS Campus, ITS News – Like developing countries in general, landfills in Indonesia are still dominated by organic waste. So that this potential waste is not wasted, three students from the Department of Civil Infrastructure Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) designed a waste house as an integrated compost processing facility.
This started from concerns about the pile of garbage in the Ngemplak Market, Tulungagung. Finally, the team consisting of Mochammad Ashar Khanafi, Cahyo Maulana Asrofi, and Muhammad Faisal Sadiqi conceptualized a waste house that was able to reduce the volume of market waste while increasing the economy of the surrounding community.
Furthermore, the team leader, who is familiarly called Ashar, explained that the waste house is a building to collect waste equipped with compost processing. According to him, the process starts by sorting the waste generated from activities at the Ngemplak Market. “After that, the counting, drying, and entering the composting container are carried out,” he explained.
In addition to composting centrally in the waste house, Ashar stated that there is a franchise system, namely the collective compost processing by the community around the Ngemplak Market. “It means that people can produce compost independently at home with the source of waste provided by the waste house,” he explained.
According to Ashar, the waste house is also a means of supporting the circular economy system. He revealed that the compost produced would be sold to farmers and plantation owners. By doing so, it is hoped that the quality of the food commodities produced can increase and resupply the sales inventory in the market.
Ashar said the waste house concept could be applied anywhere by adjusting the characteristics of each region. He hopes this concept can be realized soon, especially by local governments. “Hopefully, this concept can improve the community’s economy and plantation commodities,” he concluded. (ITS Public Relation/far)
Reporter: Difa Khoirunisa
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