ITS Campus, ITS News – Increasing synergy within the scope of the Indonesian maritime industry, the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) with PT Shipyard Madura (Gapura) discussed ship management and maintenance to support Indonesia’s maritime economy. Packaged in the form of knowledge sharing, this event took place at the ITS National Ship Design and Engineering Center (NaSDEC) Building for two days, starting Wednesday (27/7).
With the theme Synergizing Maritime Industry Ship Maintenance Management, this activity was attended by ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng, Operations Director of PT Biro Statistik Indonesia (BKI) Mohamad Cholil, and President Director of PT Gapura Ir Thomas Rhemus Prawiro and Head of BKI Surabaya Branch Arif Nurtjahjo ST and BKI Samarinda Ir Imam Kusnandar. There were also 35 ship owners from various regions.
In his remarks, Mohamad Cholil conveyed the importance of synergy between actors in the maritime sector. The man who is usually called Cholil said that as a crucial actor in seaworthiness in Indonesia, BKI is here to become a liaison between parties in the maritime sector in Indonesia.
More clearly, Cholil explained that there needs to be good collaboration between the five parties to increase the seaworthiness of ships. That includes the government, ship owners, shipyards, classification bodies, and insurance companies. “With the support of ITS in this event, hopefully, it can increase the synergy of maritime actors in Indonesia,” he said optimistically.
In line with this, the ITS Chancellor added the importance of joining hands in solving problems. In this case, what is meant by the man who is familiarly called Ashari is to revive the maritime sector, which has been affected for the last two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Meanwhile, three heads of departments from the ITS Faculty of Marine Technology (FTK) also gave their respective explanations at this event. His presentation was about ship maintenance management, from the subject of the ship’s body and engine to the scheduling document and the Draft Budget (RAB) for ship repairs. “Hopefully, this event can add to the understanding and smooth running of the maritime economy,” hoped Ashari. (ITS Public Relation/far)
Reporter: Gandhi Kesuma
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