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August 05, 2022 19:08

Maximize Student Understanding, ITS Holds Virtual Laboratory

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Display of Five Industrial Microbiology Virtual Laboratory Practicum Modules that have been integrated with myITS SSO

Display of Five Industrial Microbiology Virtual Laboratory Practicum Modules that have been integrated with myITS SSO

ITS Campus, ITS News – As a technology campus, the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS) always encourages innovation in every teaching and learning activity. The Chemical Physics and Industrial Microbiology Laboratory at the ITS Chemical Engineering Department carries out virtual laboratory-based practicums to support Industrial Microbiology courses.

Ir Nuniek Hendrianie MT, Head of the Industrial Microbiology Virtual Laboratory, said that this virtual laboratory had been used since the even semester of 2021. At that time, lectures were still carried out in a hybrid manner, so practicum could not be done directly on campus. From these problems, the idea emerged to create this virtual laboratory.

Furthermore, Nuniek explained that the virtual laboratory for Industrial Microbiology practicum is designed to approach the actual training in the laboratory. We are starting from the atmosphere in a virtual laboratory that is made similar to the original laboratory, the laboratory equipment used, to practicum test materials. “We also make the same practical procedure,” he added.

The lecturer, who enjoyed reading, also explained the procedure for implementing the practicum for students. Alternately, students who take courses will first carry out online training using a virtual laboratory. Only after that will they carry out practical work in the laboratory offline.

Ir Nuniek Hendrianie MT, Head of the Industrial Microbiology Virtual Laboratory of the Department of Chemical Engineering ITS

Ir Nuniek Hendrianie MT, Head of the Industrial Microbiology Virtual Laboratory of the Department of Chemical Engineering ITS

The online practicum, conducted beforehand, aims to make students who do the practice or internship understand the practicum procedures. Nuniek believes this step is much easier for students to understand than just reading practicum procedures. “The results are in line with expectations, and the students are more mastered during the offline practicum,” he added.

The lecturer, born in 1957, said that there were five modules in the Industrial Microbiology practicum that had been developed virtually. The five modules are antiseptic and disinfectant, counting the number of microbial cells with a hemocytometer, fermenting sugar into alcohol, isolating and measuring the number of microbial cells using the pouring cup method, and gram staining.

Nuniek admitted that at the beginning of the implementation of the virtual laboratory, he, as a lecturer, needed time to get used to the technology. As for the students themselves, Nuniek assessed that they did not experience similar difficulties. “Of course, also thanks to the help of the teaching assistant who gives direction and assists during the practicum,” he added.

Finally, the lecturer from Surabaya said that the virtual laboratory could be accessed through a website integrated with the myITS Single Sign On (SSO) application. That way, it is easier for students and lecturers to access the virtual laboratory. (ITS Public Relatiob)


Reporter: Nurul Lathifah

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