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August 09, 2022 20:08

ITS Vocational Again Gets Professional Certification from BNSP and LSP

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Penyerahan sertifikasi keprofesian Fakultas Vokasi ITS oleh Ketua BNSP Kunjung Masehat SH MM (baju putih) kepada Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng (dua dari kiri)

Submission of professional certification of the ITS Vocational Faculty by the Head of BNSP Visits Masehat SH MM (white shirt) to ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng (second from left)

Campus ITS, ITS NewsInstitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continues to aggressively improve the quality of its Human Resources (HR), one of which is through professional certification. This time, the ITS Vocational Faculty managed to get professional certification from the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) and the Professional Certification Institute (LSP), Tuesday (9/8).

Wrapped in the Studium Generale entitled The Important Role of BNSP and LSP in the Development of Vocational Higher Education, Competence and Profession Towards Superior Indonesian HR, this activity was held in the Auditorium of the ITS Research Center Building. This event aims to renew the ITS Vocational Faculty certification which will be valid for the next five years.

Present at the event the Director General of Vocational Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) Dr. Ir Kiki Yuliati MSc. On this occasion, Kiki explained that the vocational study program and certification are two things that cannot be separated. “Students of the vocational study program are very closely related to the world of work, so certification is very important to help graduates find work,” he said.

Pemaparan materi studium generale oleh Direktur Jenderal Vokasi Kemendikbudristek Dr Ir Kiki Yuliati MSc tentang pentingnya sertifikasi kepada mahasiswa vokasi ITS

The presentation of the generale studium material by the Director General of Vocational Studies Kemendikbudristek Dr. Ir Kiki Yuliati MSc about the importance of certification for ITS vocational students

In line with Kiki, the Head of the National Agency for Certification and Profession (BNSP) Kunjung Masehat SH MM explained the material about the importance of professional certification. Kunjung explained that certification is a proof that shows the achievement of one’s abilities according to certain standards. “Certification is useful for the development of learning evaluation and recruitment for students who have just graduated,” he said.

Meanwhile, ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng said that ITS is very focused on improving student skills, especially vocational students. This can be seen in the curriculum of the vocational study program at ITS which requires students to carry out a final project in the form of internships in industry. “Every ITS vocational student who wants to graduate is also required to have a professional certification,” he reminded.

Ketua BNSP Kunjung Masehat SH MM yang hadir langsung dalam acara Studium Generale untuk memberikan sertifikasi keprofesian kepada Fakultas Vokasi ITS

Head of BNSP Visits Masehat SH MM who was present directly at the Studium Generale event to provide professional certification to the ITS Vocational Faculty

Furthermore, in his speech Ashari also said that ITS facilitates vocational students to hone their skills, such as in Science Technopark. Ashari revealed, there are many products and innovations produced by vocational students and will be given to the community such as longboats, electric motors, and electric cars.

Penyerahan cinderamata oleh Ketua BNSP Kunjung Masehat SH MM (tengah) kepada Dekan Fakultas Vokasi ITS Prof Ir Muhammad Sigit Darmawan MEngSc PhD (kanan)

Handing over of souvenirs by the Head of BNSP Visits Masehat SH MM (center) to the Dean of the ITS Vocational Faculty Prof. Ir Muhammad Sigit Darmawan MEngSc PhD (right)

On the same occasion, the Dean of the ITS Vocational Faculty Prof. Ir Muhammad Sigit Darmawan MEngSc PhD explained that certification is very important for vocational study programs that are useful for demonstrating the competencies and expertise of students and lecturers. “Hopefully, this certification renewal can make it easier for ITS vocational students to develop their competencies in the world of work,” he concluded hopefully. (ITS Public Relation)

Reporter: Regy Zaid Zakaria

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