ITS Campus, ITS News –To enliven the National Technology Awakening Day (Hakteknas), Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) through the Directorate of Innovation and Science Technology Area (DIKST) participated in the Creative Center Innovative Works Exhibition. The exhibition features various technological works of the nation’s children organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) in Jakarta Wednesday (10/8).
Hakteknas, commemorated every August 10, is a moment to appreciate the work of the nation’s children in the development and utilization of science and technology (science and technology). The exhibition is hold at the Building Kemendikbudristek. This is the 27th anniversary of Hakteknas.
Director of Innovation and Science Technology Area (DIKST) ITS Agus Muhamad Hatta ST MSi Ph.D. revealed that ITS participated in this exhibition by exhibiting three of its innovative products. “The 1:10 Indonesian Fast Train model for the Jakarta – Surabaya route, as well as the GESITS Generation 2 electric motors, Mini and Medium series, are ITS’s newest flagship products that are exhibited at this exhibition,” he explained.
Moreover, the lecturer Engineering Physics Department explained that the Jakarta – Surabaya Fast Train route was a collaboration of research results from DIKST ITS and PT INKA (Persero) through the LPDP Competition Commercial RISPRO funding scheme. “This collaboration has been going on from 2019 to 2023 with several scopes of research,” he said.
The research scope includes the design of the car mask, exterior design, cabin, and interior envelope design, studies of human factors engineering and ergonomics, aerodynamic testing, and design and testing of car body structures. “Later on, this research will produce prototypes of exterior and interior car body designs, CFD and FEA engineering analysis data, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), and 3D animation of high-speed trains,” he said.
Furthermore, the Head of the 2nd Generation GESITS team, Dr. Agus Windharto DEA, explained that the 2nd Generation GESITS was another product that was displayed at this exhibition. There are two types of GESITS on display: GESITS Mini and Medium. “This product results from a research collaboration between DIKST ITS and PT WIKA Industri Manufaktur (WIMA) through the Kedaireka Kemendikbudristek matching fund funding scheme in 2021,” he added.
Not only fast trains, but GESITS also has a research scope. Among them is design development for the national electric vehicle brand GESITS Generation 2, market research and competitor analysis, product design, human factors engineering and ergonomics studies, mechanical – electrical engineering design and analysis, and manufacture of two types of prototype mini and medium series e-Scooter products. Animated videos, 1:5 scale models, and IPR.
Through these products, he hopes that ITS can continue contributing to technological progress in Indonesia. The Tri Dharma of higher education must be upheld through research and research as a technology campus. “ITS will continue to innovate and collaborate with industry, universities, and government agencies to create products that the community needs,” concluded Agus. (ITS Public Relation)
Reporter: Thariq Agfi Hermawan
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