The mosaic configuration of the G20 pattern, the 77th Anniversary of Indonesian Independence, and the Yamato Hotel Incident by ITS new students who managed to break the MURI record at the ITS Alumni Park
ITS Campus ITS News –Five days after being inaugurated as a new student (maba), the new generation of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) succeeded in carving the name of the almamater at Indonesian World Record Museum (MURI). This record-breaking was attended by around 5,500 ITS new students on the last day of the 2022 Generasi Intregalistik (Gerigi) at ITS Alumni Park Saturday (13/8).
This time, the record-breaking was in the form of a New Student’s Largest Paper Mob Configuration. The initiator and Chairperson of the Gerigi ITS 2022 Organizer, Dyah Ayu Puspita, expressed his pride and pleasure for the success of the entire committee that commanded this mosaic and the participation of ITS new students. “It feels good to be able to make the event a success after struggling to work on this agenda,” said Dyah.
Not a mosaic, as usual, this mosaic configuration is equipped with the concept of the story of the struggle for Indonesian independence in a 3D shape. Dyah explained that 30 patterns were made using asturo paper of four colors in this mosaic session.
ITS Rector Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng (center) with ITS BEM President Agil Wahyu Ramadhan (right) and Head of the Gerigi ITS 2022 Dyah Ayu Puspita received the MURI certificate
Dyah continued that the concept of the story was chosen because it harmonizes with ITS itself, known as the Campus of Hero. Moreover, to match the spirit of struggle, the theme of Gerigi this time is Gelora Revolution. “We as the committee hope that new students can unite and uphold the name of this ITS campus of hero,” said the student from Madiun.
This Student Mathematics said, Gerigi, this was the first time it was utterly offline since the pandemic struck. Breaking this record has been targeted since the beginning of the planning of the Gerigi ITS 2022 in the hope of invigorating and reuniting the spirit of ITS students after two years of online.
MURI representative Sri Widayati (second from left) when handing over the MURI record-breaking charter to ITS Rector Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (second from right) at the ITS Gears 2022 event
Dyah added that Gerigi ITS 2022 also supports the commemoration of the 77th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia and the implementation of the Group of Twenty (G20) chaired by Indonesia. Therefore, the committee ordered the mosaic of the 77th Independence of Indonesia logo and the G20. A series of unique mosaics also tells the story of the Tunjungan incident, namely the Yamato Hotel incident on November 10, 1945.
On this occasion, the ITS Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng, directly attended the vice-rectors and other ITS directions. The Rector, in his speech, admitted that he was proud to have new students who were enthusiastic about carrying out Gerigi. This is evidenced by the success of running 30 variations of the mosaic perfectly. “Very proud, a newborn has scored achievements!” he said proudly.
ITS Gerigi 2022 committee, when commanding ITS new students to make mosaics for MURI record-breaking at the ITS Alumni Park
As a symbol of closing this annual event, Ashari hit the gong to mark the closing of ITS Gerigi 2022 event. Ashari hopes that the enthusiasm of ITS new students will continue to surge in future lectures and make proud achievements. “Keep up the spirit in studying at the campus of hero,” Ashari said encouragingly. (ITS Public Relation)
Reporter: Gandhi Kesuma
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