ITS Campus, ITS News – As a Legal Entity State University (PTN-BH), the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) can no longer rely solely on funds from the State Budget (APBN) and admissions from students in managing the institution. Therefore, the alums were moved to participate in raising the ITS Endowment Fund by disbursing funds of Rp. 1 billion through the ITS Alumni Association (IKA).
Ahmad Thonthowi Djauhari, Secretary General (Secretary General) of IKA ITS, revealed that higher education management funds in Indonesia are relatively lower than in other countries in the ASEAN region. The role of the endowment fund is very significant in increasing the higher education management fund. “With large funds, universities no longer need to bother looking for lack of funds for operations,” he said.
In comparison, the man who is usually called Thontowi explained, with almost the same number of students as ITS, last year’s alums of Stanford University, the United States, contributed virtually Rp. Twenty trillion to their alma mater. Therefore, according to him, there is still a lot of homework regarding developing this endowment.
For this reason, Thontowi revealed that IKA ITS already has a plan to continue to contribute to the development of the ITS Endowment Fund. Every year IKA ITS will donate an average of IDR 1 billion. “Previously, our donations were focused on scholarships, but starting this year, IKA ITS will focus on the Endowment Fund,” he added.
The Endowment Fund is an enduring fund, and the results of its management are used to support the activities of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education (Education, Research, Community Service) without reducing the fund’s principal value.
In line with this statement, Dr. Machsus Fauzi ST MT, Senior Manager of Access to Capital and ITS Alumni, revealed ITS Endowment Fund is a fund that always remains in value. Then, if the value is permanently fixed, how can these funds be used. Machsus explained that the Endowment Fund is a fund whose utilization is obtained from the profits from the investment of the principal fund. Meanwhile, the principal amount will remain the same. “What is used is the result of managing these funds,” he said.
Therefore, he continued that around Rp from the funds collected so far and two hundred million that can be used monthly from the ITS Endowment Fund. Meanwhile, the ITS Endowment Fund’s management is used to implement the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, especially in providing scholarships for the ITS academic community.
He added that the ITS Endowment Fund was also used to support various international competitions by ITS students financially or to support startups born in the ITS environment. Machsus hopes that alums, the community, and the entire ITS extended family can conduct campaigns or even make donations directly to the ITS Endowment Fund. “There is a value for worship because it is worth waqf,” he said.
In this case, Thontowi as a representative of IKA ITS hopes that the ITS Endowment Fund can grow more significantly in a fast time. According to him, with a large endowment, it is expected that later, people in higher education can focus more on increasing the quantity and quality of teaching and research.
For people who want to know more about the ITS Endowment Fund or donate, as well as the procedure for granting, please see the page. (ITS Public Relation/far)
Reporter: Ferdian Wibowo
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