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August 25, 2022 00:08

Developing Village Potential, ITS Working on Village Teaching Industry in Mojokerto

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pengabdian masyarakat (abmas) ITS menggelar Focus Group Discussion (FGD) tentang potensi sumber daya alam hingga manusia yang dapat dikembangkan bersama masyarakat Desa Kebontunggul, Mojokerto,

ITS community service (abmas) held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) about the potential of the village in the form of natural and human resources that can be developed with the people of Kebonunggul Village, Mojokerto,

ITS Campus, ITS News – As a form of commitment to the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continues to strengthen its role in empowering the Indonesian people. This time, through the Center for Public Studies of Business and Industry (PKKPBI), the ITS community service team (abmas) held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) about the potential of villages in the form of natural and human resources that can be developed with the people of Kebonunggul Village, Mojokerto, Saturday (6 /8).

The Teaching Industry Coordinator of Kebonunggul Village, Okta Putra, Setio Ardianto, ST MT, said that the collaboration between ITS and Kebonunggul Village had been going on since 2020. The Head of ITS PKKPBI, Dr. Ir Arman Hakim Nasution, successfully promoted the partnership. “This collaboration was born thanks to the BUMDes Award 2020 activity organized by ITS PKKPBI,” he said.

The ITS Interior Design Department lecturer stated that Kebonunggul Village has various potential natural resources. However, the problems faced by the village include a high poverty rate and an unstructured community mindset that is still prevalent. “Therefore, it is our obligation as universities to educate people in need,” he said.

Koordinator Teaching Industry Okta Putra Setio Ardianto ST MT (kanan) menyampaikan sambutannya kepada para peserta FGD dan perwakilan perangkat Desa Kebontunggul, Mojokerto

Teaching Industry Coordinator Okta Putra Setio Ardianto ST MT (right) delivered his remarks to the FGD participants and representatives from Kebonunggul Village, Mojokerto.

Okta explained that the ITS Abmas team in Kebonunggul Village consisted of students and lecturers from various departments at ITS. He started in the Department of Business Management, Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning (PWK), and various other departments. “We do this to enrich the bright ideas in developing Kebonunggul Village,” he said.

Through eight ITS abmas teams, eight innovative abmas titles were born with various sector targets to be developed. Starting from the establishment of a spin-off of Kebonunggul Cafe in the entrepreneurial sector, the creation of Smart Agriculture Farming in the agricultural sector, increasing the branding of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the marketing field, and various other innovative works.

Pemaparan abmas bertajuk Pengembangan Desa Wisata Budaya Berbasis Pengembangan Museum dan Jasa Kesehatan Paliatif Regeneratif yang disampaikan oleh Surya Hadi Kusuma ST MT, salah satu dosen ITS

Abmas’ presentation entitled Development of Cultural Tourism Villages Based on Museum Development and Regenerative Palliative Health Services delivered by Surya Hadi Kusuma ST MT, one of the ITS lecturers

Responding to these various innovations, the Head of Kebonunggul Village, Siandi SH MM, hopes the abmas activities can run smoothly and be well implemented in Kebonunggul Village. In harmony with Siandi, Okta expects that the ITS Abmas team has a high fighting spirit to help develop village potential as a form of ITS commitment to the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. “It is our responsibility as Indonesian universities to improve the welfare of our people,” he concluded optimistically. (ITS Public Relations)

Reporter: Bima Surya Samudra

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