ITS Campus, ITS News – The development of communication technology has a positive and negative impact on all circles, including children. From this phenomenon, the Community Service Real Work Lecture Team (KKN Abmas) of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) in collaboration with PAUD/TK As-Sholihin Keputih provided counseling to parents regarding the importance of assistance in the use of gadgets in early childhood, Tuesday (2 /8) then.
The Head of the KKN Abmas Team, Dr. Ir Puji Handayani MT, said that this activity was aimed at increasing parents’ knowledge about the impact of gadget interactions on their children. In addition, this activity is also an effort to reduce the negative impact and increase the positive impact of using gadgets on early childhood.
Furthermore, Puji stated that the program implemented was in line with one of the strategic issues of the ITS Center for Regional Potential Studies and Community Empowerment (PKPDPM). The strategic issue in question is Sustainable Regional Development. “This program is in line with the mission of solving development, social, economic, and environmental issues in Indonesia,” he said.
He explained that this activity was carried out in three stages, starting with surveying the parents of As-Sholihin PAUD/TK students. This is done to dig up information about children’s activities in using gadgets. The next stage is counseling and guidance entitled Towards Healthy Interaction between Parents and Pre-School Age Children with Gadgets.
The third stage of the program will provide further counseling regarding the use of applications to monitor children’s activities in using gadgets. The material that will be given is about the importance of digital literacy for parents as an exemplary feature for children. “We will carry out this follow-up counseling on August 9,” explained the ITS Electrical Engineering Department lecturer.
The speaker at the event, Wida Almaidah SPdI said that there are several ways to educate children to grow according to their nature. Among them by understanding the stage of child development, instilling the values of monotheism, and building good communication. In addition, it introduces the vision and mission in life and trains independence. “This method must of course be accompanied by prayers from parents,” said Wida.
ITS Abmas KKN team with PAUD/TK As-Sholihin manager Hj Mualifah SAg (yellow shirt)
PAUD/TK Manager As-Sholihin Hj Mualifah SAg hopes that this activity can provide parents with views in educating their children. The role of parents in monitoring the use of gadgets in children is very important. “As a parent, you can give directions about good and bad behavior to your child,” Mualifah reminded. (ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: Rayinda Santriana US
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