ITS Campus News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) through KKN Community Services (KKN Abmas) keeps sharing positive things which can be beneficial to their surroundings. One of them is by providing information technology training for teachers to improve their quality on learning process.
The leader of KKN Community Services ITS, Dini Adni Navastara, S.Kom., M.Sc., revealed that this training activity aims to improve learning quality in elementary schools through PowerPoint training. At that moment, the target was SD Sutorejo I/240 Surabaya. “The participants in this training were teachers accompanied by four lecturers and eight ITS Informatics Engineering students,” said Dini.
Dini explained that this activity was carried out based on teachers’ needs at SD Sutorejo I/240 Surabaya which still use little multimedia-based learning. Only about 10 percent of all teachers are in the school. “We train teachers to make attractive PowerPoints for students such as using animations, PowerPoint templates, and Masterslides,” he explained.
Furthermore, Dini said that this training was held at Programming Laboratory of ITS Informatics Engineering Departement. However, this two-days training was organized by the Intelligent Computing and Vision Laboratory team of ITS Informatics Engineering Department. “We divided this training into two different activities, namely PowerPoint training and assignments besides practicing for students at SDN Sutorejo I/240,” he explained.
On the first day, training participants received two sub-materials, namely interactive learning concept presented by Prof. Ir. Handayani Tjandrasa, M.Sc., Ph.D. and PowerPoint making tutorial presented by Dr.Eng. Chastine Fatichah, S.Kom., M.Kom., Dini Adni Navastara, S.Kom., M.Sc., and Dr.Eng. Nanik Suciati, S.Kom., M.Kom.
After the first day of training is over, teachers will be given an assignment to make PowerPoint which will be presented on Friday (2/9). To boost participants’ enthusiasm, KKN Community Services team gave door prizes for the most interesting PowerPoints. “The assessment is not only carried out by the KKN team, but also by their students,” said the lecturer of Informatics Engineering Department.
Hopefully, this training can be beneficial for teachers in compiling interesting and interactive learning materials, so students will have a higher interest in learning. “Besides, we will also organize other trainings to improve the quality of education in Indonesia, especially in East Java,” Dini concluded. (ITS PR)
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