ITS Campus News – The Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) Navy (AL) requires capable technological devices to carry out its duties as the front line of national defense. However, the Indonesian Navy’s strength spearhead, the Republic of Indonesia Ship (KRI), still uses communication lights with a manual system. Seeing this, the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS) students developed a sophisticated lamp called Automorse.
This innovation appears to solve the problem of communication lights in the KRI with a manual system that can make work slower and prone to human error. This made Sangsaka Wira Utama, a ITS Physics Engineering Department student, have the idea to create a system that can translate Morse lamps automatically, called Automorse.
The student, who is familiarly called Wira, revealed that Automorse uses a flashlight password sending and receiving system, with a system that can work automatically and is encrypted based on image processing. The system developed by Wira and two colleagues, namely Tadeus Pantryan Simarmata and Niza Rosyda, uses a digital computing system, the Smart Flash Processing System (SFPS).
According to Wira, the SFPS was initially refined from the test results that had successfully sent and received messages accurately. The improvements include using materials according to military standards, data security systems, batteries, and the number of sentences received and sent.
Wira said this improvement is expected to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of SFPS. Once refined, Automorse can be operated outside the control room area. “And minimize the risk of flashlight operators prone to human error,” said Wira.
He explained that the Automorse system has a software section that controls hardware and translates passwords. Meanwhile, this hardware looks precisely like armored spotlights and a microcontroller. Inside, the spotlight consists of several components: LED lights, webcams, and microcontrollers.
Together with his team, Wira has planned a product marketing strategy, namely by targeting the target market of the Indonesian Navy’s Second Commando Armada. This innovation is expected to replace conventional password communication devices installed on ships. Not stopping there, Wira also plans to collaborate with one of the national defense equipment industries, namely PT PAL Indonesia.
Various efforts will continue to be made for product development to be able to install 20 KRIs. However, as innovators, they are still constrained to penetrate the market if they do not have business relations with the government. “We hope that ITS will open a special line for alumni so that they can help market our products and provide regular assistance,” said Wira. (ITS Public Relation)
Reporter: Silvita Pramadani
Redaktur: Najla Lailin Nikmah
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