ITS Campus, ITS News – The existence of various innovative works from the academic community of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) attracted the attention of the Employment Social Security Administration Agency (BPJS) to visit the ITS campus to discuss the sustainability of the collaboration on Wednesday (21/9). This time, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan wants to improve employment services by manufacturing and to install body aids.
Located in the ITS Robotics Center Building, this visit was attended by BPJS Employment Service Director Roswita Nilakurnia SE MM, BPJS Employment Director General and Human Resources (HR) Abdur Rahman Irsyadi, Deputy Rector I Prof Dr. Ir Adi Soeprijanto MT, Deputy Rector IV Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng PhD, along with other ranks of ITS and BPJS Employment.
Director of Innovation and Science Technology Area (DIKST) ITS Agus Muhammad Hatta ST MSi PhD revealed that this work visit was a continuation of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) agreed upon between ITS and BPJS Employment. “We present one of ITS’ innovative works in the health sector, namely prosthetic orthotics,” he said.
Furthermore, the lecturer, who is familiarly called Hatta, explained that prosthetic orthotics manufacture and install body aids for patients with disabilities. Prosthetic hands and feet, skull implants, earlobe implants, artificial fingers, and other products. “If given the opportunity by BPJS, we will continue to strive to develop body aids for people with disabilities,” explained the lecturer of the Physics Engineering Department.
This cooperation assessment is intended for employees, especially those who have work accidents. In addition, this collaboration is also a form of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan’s concern for workers. “If BPJS Kesehatan focuses more on public health insurance, BPJS Employment focuses on work accident insurance,” he said.
In line with this, the Head of the Integrated Digital Design Laboratory (iDIG) Department of Industrial Product Design (Despro) ITS Djoko Kuswanto ST MBiotech said that we could not separate this innovative work from the hard work of the ITS academic community. “In addition, the manufacture of sockets also involves a prosthetic, orthotic workshop located in the area closest to disabled patients,” added Djoko.
In addition to body aids, Djoko presented the process of identifying the patient’s accident condition. From radiological data, parts that have experienced extreme accidents will be printed in silicon duplication using 3D Scanner, 3D Printer, and 3D Manufacturing technology. “After that, the real condition of the employees can be seen, and the next medical steps will be more accurate,” explained the ITS Industrial Product Design Department lecturer.
With this visit, the Director of BPJS Employment Services advised that there will be further visits for more detailed discussions. “This visit is the first step in cooperation between ITS and BPJS Employment,” he concluded. (ITS PR)
Reporter: Thariq Agfi Hermawan
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