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September 22, 2022 19:09

Supports New Graduates, ITS Launches Career Development Program

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Wakil Rektor I ITS Prof Dr Ir Adi Soeprijanto MT saat menyampaikan sambutan pada Pembekalan Wisuda ke-126

ITS Vice Rector I Prof Dr Ir Adi Soeprijanto MT when delivering a speech in front of graduates at the 126th Graduation Debriefing

ITS Campus, ITS News – In welcoming the graduation of the 126th graduates, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) launched a new program to actualize and support post-study careers through the Career Development Program (CDP). In the program, officially launched at Grha Sepuluh Nopember ITS, Thursday (22/9), ITS wants to provide various facilities to print graduates to be ready to compete in the world of work, both nationally and internationally.

Along with the graduation briefing, ITS Vice Rector I, Prof. Dr. Ir Adi Soeprijanto MT conveyed that students should practice the knowledge and competencies obtained while studying at ITS. “Make sure students can map out their careers well, especially with the assistance provided,” he said.

In line with Deputy Rector I’s statement, the Deputy Governor of East Java (Wagub Jatim) Dr H Emil Elestianto Dardak BBus MSc, who gave a virtual speech, said graduates must have the capability to determine careers. Therefore, it is hoped that you will not be fixated on diplomas and will expand your frame of mind with experience. “Become an independent worker; increase your competence according to your needs; make it your capital in working for the community,” said Emil.

Meanwhile, Arief Abdurrakhman ST MT, Head of the Sub-directorate of Entrepreneurship and Career Development of the ITS Directorate of Student Affairs, explained the presence of this CDP is also an effort to maintain ITS’ first rank in achieving Key Performance Indicators (KPI) 1 in the scope of higher education.

In the last year, KPI 1 ITS outperformed other universities in terms of graduate success, work, further studies, and entrepreneurship. Seeing the push for the KPI criteria, which requires graduates to get a job in less than six months, Arief believes that CDP is the right tool to support this.

He sees the potential and competence of ITS graduates are enormous. Still, many have yet to be able to optimize it properly. “For example, there are those who stand out in hard skills but lack in soft skills, excel in competence but still cannot compete internationally (internationally, ed),” he said.

He added to support CDP; ITS collaborated with 200 partners from companies, governments, scholarship providers, investors, and others. CDP facilitates graduates to get career consultations with ITS alumni, skill improvement in the form of certification, and various software training for free.

The many benefits of CDP that graduates can utilize are currently only reserved for 50 percent of each batch of graduates who are the quickest to register. “The 126th prospective graduate can register via the link,” said the ITS Instrumentation Engineering Department lecturer.

In integrating this program with digital technology, ITS collaborates with a digital career platform called Kinobi. Through the ITS Career Portal, graduates can use several features to improve the quality of administration and expertise, including Resume Builder and Portal to Success.

Director and Co-Founder of Kinobi Hafiz Kasman BBM said that the Resume Builder on the ITS Career portal could help graduates improve the quality of their Curriculum Vitae (CV). With an automated system, this feature can correct and allow graduates to meet job application standards internationally.

In Portal to Success, there are several sub-portals, namely Job Portal, Incubator Portal, and Scholarship Portal. The Job Portal provides job vacancies resulting from ITS in collaboration with partners from industry, government, ITS alums, and others. Meanwhile, the Incubator Portal is a feature that students can use to develop entrepreneurial skills. In this portal, users can collaborate with buyers, sellers and investors.

Besides supporting work careers, Kinobi provides a scholarship portal feature that has collaborated with many domestic and foreign university partners. Of the many features, the ITS Career Portal can be a door to many accesses that ITS graduates can utilize.

This alumnus of Singapore Management University admitted that the collaboration with ITS is very much in line with Kinobi’s vision of building career management for university graduates in Indonesia. “With the IKU achievements achieved by ITS, it makes us determined to choose ITS as a cooperation partner,” said Hafiz.

In the end, Arief hopes that later graduates can use this program best. “Hopefully, in the future, it can strengthen the management ecosystem and strengthen careers and ensure the employer can well absorb graduates in the world of work,” he said optimistically. (ITS PR)

Reporter: Fatima Az Zahra

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