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September 24, 2022 11:09

ITS Doctoral Develops Angle of Deviation Method for Segmentation of Facial Bones

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Dr Masy Ari Ulinuha ST MT, lulusan doktor ke-195 dari Departemen Teknik Elektro ITS

Dr. Masy Ari Ulinuha ST MT, 195th doctoral graduate from the Department of Electrical Engineering ITS

ITS Campus, ITS News – n forensic science and anthropology, analysis of facial bones is often needed to determine the proper form of someone who has died. With his research on facial bone segmentation, Dr. Masy Ari Ulinuha ST MT won a doctorate in the Doctoral Promotion Open Session of the Electrical Engineering Study Program, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Friday (23/9).

In his dissertation presentation, the man familiarly called Ulin said that currently, the method to recognize facial bones automatically is challenging. “It is necessary to identify the shape of the skull first, then determine the point that symbolizes the facial bone area,” he said.

Ulin explained several stages to find out which part is the facial bone. First, it is necessary to scan the skull data using Computed Tomography (CT). Then the scan results are simplified in the form of a point cloud, a three-dimensional point representing the shape of the skull surface.

Dr Masy Ari Ulinuha ST MT saat memaparkan disertasinya yang berjudul Segmentasi Tulang Wajah pada Point Cloud Tengkorak Berbasis Sudut Simpangan, Jumat (23/9)ITS Doctoral Dr. Masy Ari Ulinuha ST MT when presenting his dissertation entitled Facial Bone Segmentation on Skull Point Cloud Based on Deviation Angle, Friday (23/9)

In this study, Ulin found a method that he called the angle of deviation method. People can use this method to identify facial bones due to normal vectors on the skull surface, which are more varied than other bones.

Knowing the angle of deviation on the contour of the skull, a specific value will be assigned to each point cloud. “This value is based on the deviation angle and the angle formed by the normal vector with the reference vector,” explained the doctor born in Semarang.

After knowing the value at each point cloud point, it can be determined which is the facial bone, not the facial bone. In the future, the results of this analysis will be beneficial for more extensive research roadmaps, for example, in the field of facial reconstruction. “Segmentation using this deviation angle will help to obtain a more accurate relationship between the skull and face,” said Ulin.

Metode yang digunakan dalam melakukan segmentasi tulang wajah pada tengkorak untuk mengidentifikasi wajah asli seseorang yang telah meninggal

The method used in segmenting facial bones on the skull to identify the real face of someone who has died

Thanks to his dissertation entitled Segmentation of Facial Bones in Point Cloud Skull Based on Deviation Angle, Ulin, who was also accompanied by Promoter Mochamad Hariadi ST MSc PhD and Co-Promoters Dr I Ketut Eddy Purnama ST MT and Dr Eko Mulyanto Yuniarno ST MT also managed to become the third doctoral graduate. 195 from Electrical Engineering ITS.

This lecturer at the State Islamic University (UIN) Walisongo Semarang said that further research was needed to determine a more automated point cloud value. “Hopefully, in the future, this research can be useful, especially in the fields of anthropology and forensics, for example, to identify crime victims,” he concluded optimistically. (ITS PR)

Reporter: Fathia Rahmanisa

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