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October 03, 2022 20:10

Proud, ITS Students Win the 2022 National Mawapres

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Fiqey Indriati Eka Sari (three from bottom right) with the Ichiro ITS team in the 2022 Robocup event in Bangkok

Fiqey Indriati Eka Sari (three from bottom right) with the Ichiro ITS team in the 2022 Robocup event in Bangkok

ITS Campus – ITS News – Students made another proud achievement at the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS). Fiqey Indriati Eka Sari, a ITS Informatics Engineering Department student, won second place in the 2022 National Achievement Student Selection (Pilmapres) event.

Fiqey’s journey to success is not easy either. Flashback to when she was a new student, this girl from Pasuruan had failed to get the scholarship she coveted twice. This triggers him to increase his capacity further.

Initially, he joined the Student Catalyst as an external organization for self-development. Fiqey is also involved in the Student Creativity Program (PKM).

By his family of knowledge, Fiqey became a programmer in the ITS humanoid robot team, Ichiro. Having a hobby of struggling with robots, Fiqey is the only female programmer on Ichiro’s team in his class. “I have gained a lot of knowledge after joining Ichiro’s (team), such as working in a team, self-adaptation, and self-exploration,” he said.

ITS student Fiqey Indriati Eka Sari proudly brought home the title of 2nd Winner of National Achievement Student 2022 Undergraduate level

ITS student Fiqey Indriati Eka Sari proudly brought home the title of 2nd Winner of National Achievement Student 2022 Undergraduate level

Not only developing abilities in the field of academic achievement, but this bespectacled student is also actively developing her soft skills. Joining the student catalyst taught him to learn self-management well. He has also been given the mandate to be the chairman of the East Java Robot Visitation event.

While the success of this ITS student, the Head of the Talent Development Section of the ITS Directorate of Student Affairs (Ditmawa) Hakun Wirawasista Aparamarta ST MMT Ph.D., who acts as the coordinator of ITS Achievement Students (Mawapres), warmly welcomes this achievement. Having experienced a slump in the previous Pilmapres event, Ditmawa redesigned the ITS Mawapres assessment scheme. “This success has been a long journey that has paid off,” said Hakun proudly.

Fiqey’s current achievements cannot be separated from his internal motivation. At first, he did not think he would pursue the title of Mawapres. Every time there is an opportunity to learn and develop, he always makes the most of it. “Essentially, everything we do, if it is aimed at goodness, will be counted as worship and made easy by God,” he reminded.

Fiqey explained that his election as Mawapres would have had many twists and turns in the vast selection he had gone through. After being screened by the department, the ITS Ditmawa has been filtered again, considering four aspects. These aspects include achievement, innovative ideas, English values, and personality.

Furthermore, according to him, proceed with regional selection after being successfully selected to represent ITS. Then, when entering the national level selection, the aspects tested were the same as during the appointment at ITS. “However, creative ideas as much as possible bring useful ideas for many people,” he said.

Together with the ITS Ichiro team, Fiqey Indriati Eka Sari won the Robocup 2022 event in Bangkok

Together with the ITS Ichiro team, Fiqey Indriati Eka Sari won the Robocup 2022 event in Bangkok

In presenting his creative ideas, Fiqey brought the development of his PKM Karsa Cipta with the title Early Detection and Monitoring System for Complication Risks Based on Multimodal Learning for Chronic Kidney Disease Patients. “An application that not only detects images but is combined with patient track record data and is connected to a real-time monitoring system,” said Fiqey.

Fiqey wants to develop this creative idea in the future to be implemented in the community. Fiqey’s instincts say that he wants his life to be useful for others by creating technological innovations. As a child, it crossed his mind to become a doctor. However, his love of programming discouraged him from becoming a doctor. “Now I want to be an innovation programmer in the field of health technology,” he said.

Between his busy schedule, switching from one task to another is a pleasure for him. When passing the lecture class, because of the competition he had to face, Fiqey had to divide his time to catch up on the material that was left behind. Apart from his achievements, he is happy to share his knowledge as a teacher of children. “Seeing the children are happy and understand the knowledge that I provide lifts my spirits,” he admits.

According to Fiqey, success is an achievement that those around him can feel. “As humans, it is difficult to be perfect, but we are always allowed to try if we try,” said Fiqey. (ITS Public Relation)

Reporter: Silvita Pramadani

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