ITS Campus News – ITS academicians show their contribution to community by having halal certification assistance for SDN Rungkut Kidul I Surabaya canteen management. By conducting KKN (Field Study) on community services, ITS team helped them to fulfill all halal requirements.
The leader of ITS KKN (Field Study) team on community services, Dr. Ir. Saidah Ali Altway M.Sc., revealed that this activity is aimed to provide halal certification for the food and beverages sold at SDN Rungkut Kidul I Surabaya canteen. The granting of such certification means that those products meet the requirements for quality, nutrition, and food safety. “In the end, halal certification can upgrade the value of the products,” he explained.
This activity also involved the students from ITS Industrial Chemical Engineering Department. In terms of realizing halal certification based on UU (Law) Number 33 in 2014 concerning Halal Product Guarantee, they carried out socialization and direct visit to SDN Rungkut Kidul I Surabaya honesty canteen.
There are several procedures and requirements that must be met by ITS KKN (Field Study) team along with canteen management towards halal certification. First is collecting Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB) document and second is starting to register on Sihalal account. “Sihalal is a web page owned by Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Produk Halal (BPJPH) of The Ministry of Religion of The Republic of Indonesia,” said Saidah.
ITS KKN (Field Study) team also assisted canteen management in filling out Sistem Jaminan Produk Halal (SJPH) document. The submitted documents include recording tools and manufacturing materials that are free from najis and in accordance with Islamic Law. “The process of making products from food and beverages also needs to be attached,” added the lecturer of Industrial Chemical Engineering Department ITS.
After fulfilling all documents, the verification and validation processes will be started. These processes are carried out to match the SJPH data with the facts in the field. The results of these processes will be forwarded by SJPH to The Fatwa Commission of Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) on Sihalal web page.
Responding to the support and assistance from ITS KKN (Field Study) team, many students of SDN Rungkut Kidul I Surabaya felt helped because the products sold in their canteen would be more guaranteed. Halal certification can also increase students’ trust in the products. “We really hope that the school canteen will be able to add safe, healthy, and nutritious products in the future so it will be more varied,” concluded the Delft University of Technology Netherlands alumnus. (*)
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