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November 16, 2022 19:11

Victorious, ITS Secured Seven Champion Trophies at KKCTBN 2022

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Tim-tim dari ITS yang semuanya sukses raih prestasi pada ajang tahunan KKCTBN 2022 di Universitas Pembangunan Nasional (UPN) Veteran Jawa Timur

ITS teams who all succeeded in achieving champion trophies at KKCTBN 2022 annual event in Universitas Pembangunan Negara (UPN) of East Java

ITS Campus- ITS News – The representatives of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) proudly managed to bring home seven championship trophies in two categories at the National Unmanned Fast Boat Contest (KKCTBN) 2022 which was hosted by Universitas Pembangunan Negara (UPN) of East Java, ended on Monday (14/11).

KKCTBN 2022 is a contest that encourages participants to play a role in the independence of Indonesia’s maritime defense and security. Organized by the National Achievement Center (Puspresnas) of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), ITS successfully brought home several trophies in the category of Augmented Reality Innovation Design (AR) Military Ships and Manufacture and Performance Military Ship Prototype.

Tim Nawasena ITS konsisten mempertahankan torehan prestasinya di ajang KKCTBN selama tiga tahun terakhir

ITS Nawasena team has consistently maintained its achievements at the KKCTBN event for the last three years

In the AR Innovation Design category of Military Ships with the Autonomous Semi-Submarine Drone (ASSD) subcategory, the ITS Nawasena team won first place again, followed by the ITS Banyubramanta team in second place. In the same category, Nawasena ITS also won first place in the Catamaran Patrol Boat subcategory and second place in the High Speed ​​Support Vessel (HSSV) Catamaran subcategory. >.

On the other hand, in the Manufacturing and Performance of Military Ship Prototype category, the ITS Barunastra team won first place in the ASSD subcategory. Not only that, in the High Speed ​​Support Vessel (HSSV) Catamaran Ship subcategory with Electric Remote Control (ERC) power, the ITS Barunastra team won first place and the ITS Arkana team won first prize. won third place in the same category.

Tim Arkana ITS yang baru debut di ajang KKCTBN 2022 berhasil raih juara III pada subkategori Kapal HSSV Catamaran dengan daya ERC

ITS Arkana team, which just debuted at KKCTBN 2022nevent, won the third place in the HSSV Catamaran Ship subcategory with ERC power

The General Manager of the ITS Ipung Nawasena Team Nur Wahyu Fadholi revealed that there were several aspects of the assessment in the Military Ship AR Innovation Design category that his team participated in. Among them are design concepts, line plans, general plans, ship stability, power requirements, and AR manufacturing. “Making AR ship visualization is quite a challenge because it has the greatest weight due to its level of complexity,” he said.

Besides, Ipung admitted that the achievements of the ITS Nawasena team in the three subcategories he participated in could not be separated from the participation of lecturers from the Department of Marine Engineering (DTSP) ITS. “We also received support from The Head of ITS DTSP, Benny Cahyono ST MT PhD, and supervised by Dr Achmad Baidowi ST MT and Dr Ir Agoes Santoso MSc MPhil,” he added.

Kapal Nala Triton milik Tim Barunastra ITS ketika menyusuri lintasan yang telah ditentukan secara autonomous dalam ajang KKCTBN 2022

The Nala Triton ship belongs to ITS Barunastra Team while walking along a predetermined trajectory autonomously at KKCTBN 2022 event

Worked on for two full months, the work on the three ship designs also applied the spiral design concept. This concept makes the ship design process to be updated continuously to get the most optimal results. “Although it takes quite a long time, its application will make the ship more realistic to realize,” he added.

Meanwhile, the General Manager of the ITS Barunastra Team, Nawab Aditya explained, each subcategory in the Military Ship Prototype Manufacturing and Performance Contest has its own challenges. Among them are the sub-category of HSSV Ships with ERC power and Catamaran Patrol Boats with Fuel Engine Remote Control (FERC) power which require ships to travel at high speed as well as accuracy in shooting at existing targets.

Anggota Tim Barunastra ITS saat mempersiapkan kapal Arlong-002 sebelum bertanding di subkategori Kapal Patroli Catamaran dengan Daya fuel Engine Remote Control (FERC) di KKCTBN 2022

The members of ITS Barunastra Team while preparing the Arlong-002 before competing in the Catamaran Patrol Boat Sub-category with Fuel Engine Remote Control (FERC) at KKCTBN 2022

In addition, challenges were also encountered in the ASSD Ship Prototype category which challenged participants to build a ship that can dive at a certain depth and can maneuver while firing prototype torpedoes at targets autonomously. “Of course the assessment aspect which is different from last year’s (2021 KKCTBN, ed) adds to the difficulty as well as a sense of enthusiasm to conquer it,” he said.

The Nawab expects that the results achieved by the team supervised by Dr. Rudy Dikairono ST MT will not make the team quickly satisfied, but will continue to be motivated to continue to grow. “Of course ITS Barunastra team will continue to strive to make ITS proud and produce innovations in contributing to the independence of Indonesia’s defense and security,” he concluded hopefully. (ITS PR)

Tim di bawah naungan UKM ITS Robotics yakni tim Barunastra ITS dan Banyubramanta ITS sukses memboyong total tiga trofi juara pada dua kategori di KKCTBN 2022

The team under the auspices of UKM ITS Robotics, which are ITS Barunastra team and ITS Banyubramanta, successfully won a total of three championship trophies in two categories in the 2022 KKCTBN

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