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November 22, 2022 16:11

Ali Fauzi Invites ITS New Students to Fight Radicalism

Oleh : enadminukp | | Source :
Ali Fauzi Manzi, M.Pd.I. answers ITS new students' question at the Spiritual and Nationality Training event

Ali Fauzi Manzi, M.Pd.I. answers ITS new students question at the Spiritual and Nationality Training event

ITS Campus News – A strong influence of radicalism provides a very dangerous potential for young generation. In this case, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) tried to present Ali Fauzi Manzi, M.Pd.I., a person who involved in Bali bombing 2002, to provide material on deradicalism in front of ITS new students at the Spiritual and Nationality Training event, Tuesday (2/8), at Graha Sepuluh Nopember ITS.

Through the main material on Religious Moderation, the man who is now active as an ustadz shares his life experience so that today’s young generation does not follow it. He admitted that he was known as a bomb maker expert in the various radical organizations he joined. “I was once in a group with Abu Bakar Ba’asyir in Malaysia,” said the founder of Circle of Peace Foundation.

Ali, who has been assimilated, said that between 2015 and 2022, more than 3,000 suspected terrorists had been arrested. This number even exceeds the number of those who arrest in the period of 2002 – 2014. He explained the result of Marc Sageman’s research which showed that the biggest factor for people to join radicalism networks was about friendship and kinship. “I used to be with my brother in carrying out this sad experience,” said Ali who is also the younger brother of Amrozi, the Bali bomber who has sentenced to death.

Ali Fauzi Manzi, M.Pd.I. presents material about the danger of radicalism in front of ITS new students at Graha Sepuluh Nopember ITS

Ali Fauzi Manzi, M.Pd.I. presents material about the danger of radicalism in front of ITS new students at Graha Sepuluh Nopember ITS

Ali explained that radicalism is not a product of a short decision, but the result of a long process. In his experience, this process occurs by slowly pushing a person to commit violent acts in the name of God. However, the reason that makes its members stay is because the support of fellow members.

Moreover, Ali revealed that the terrorist community basically provides two supports to its members. The first is moral support; this can be formed by providing radical understanding to its members with Qur’an recitation, idad, rihlah, mukhoyamah, etc. The second is material support such as educational assistance, employment, health assistance, etc.

The presence of these two supports binds its members, making them comfortable and more difficult to leave. As if they try to leave, they will have no friends, be underrated, and even threatened with death. Therefore, it is very important to form a new community that provides similar support in positive way. “Such as love for the country, love for polices/soldiers, love for peace, tolerance, upholding a friendly Islam with no anger,” said Ali.

Furthermore, Ali equalizes terrorism to complications. Therefore, the way to handle it also cannot be done with a single method. It must be done with many aspects, perspectives, and methodologies. One of the examples is going to medical specialists and having prevention campaign from people who have recovered from this illness, like him at this time. “I have recovered after experiencing this illness for years, now I am here to help preventing it,” said Ali.

The spreading of radicalism can be done in a various media. One of them is in higher education (college), where students come from different backgrounds. Therefore, Ali is happy with this Spiritual and Nationality Training event. According to Ali, the step taken by ITS for having this event was right in preventing the basic of radicalism, especially for young generation. “You also have to be careful in choosing friends, don’t get influenced by radicalism,” he warned.

Ali Fauzi Manzi, M.Pd.I. (left) accepts token of appreciation from The Chief Executive of this event, Ir. Arief Abdurrakhman, S.T., M.T., at Graha Sepuluh Nopember ITS

AAli Fauzi Manzi, M.Pd.I. (left) accepts token of appreciation from The Chief Executive of this event, Ir. Arief Abdurrakhman, S.T., M.T., at Graha Sepuluh Nopember ITS

At the end of his presentation, Ali gave words of motivation for ITS new students. “There are no good people who do not have a past. Likewise, no bad people who have no future. Everyone has a right to change to be better,” said the lecturer at Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Lamongan ending his material.

Meanwhile, the Chief Executive of Spiritual and Nationality Training event 2022, Ir. Arief Abdurrakhman, S.T., M.T., said he was very pleased with the presentation of material on deradicalism. By having speaker’s point of view, hopefully new students can understand this material more deeply and be able to avoid exposure on radicalism. “Hopefully, ITS new students can have a strong foundation of character to carry out their studies ahead,” he concluded. (ITS PR)

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