ITS Campus, ITS News – Another glorious achievement was made by the academic community of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) at the national level. This time, two teams of ITS students managed to bring home the 1st and 2nd place titles in the East Java Data Hackathon event held by the East Java Junior Chamber Indonesia (JCI) with the East Java Office of Communication and Information (Diskominfo), last Sunday (20/11). .
Are Bramandika, Nanda Novenia Shinta Hapsari, Lilik Setyaningsih, Jihan Nabilah, and Wahidatul Wardah Al Maulidiyah from Department of Statistics which is part of the Horeee Team as the first winner. While the second winner was won by the Plan A Team consisting of Muhammad Arif Nuriman, Nabila Aprillia, Jesselyne Amadea, Liefran Satrio Sim, and Zada Alfarras Rasendriya from the Department of Information Systems. The two teams managed to compete with 22 teams from universities throughout East Java in the competition which was held at Singapore National Academic (SNA), Waru, Sidoarjo.
In this competition, participants were challenged to process MSME data from the East Java Cooperative Service, where from the results of the data analysis participants presented recommendations for potential MSME development strategies in East Java. Bramandika, The Leader of the Horeee Team revealed that his team raised the topic Challenges of Technology Penetration on the Development of MSMEs in East Java. “We analyze the root causes of why technology penetration has not been maximized,” he said.
The student who is usually called Bram explained, starting from this topic three main root causes were found, namely the lack of digital infrastructure, digital training, and capital assistance. Based on the data that has been analyzed, the team supervised by Dr. Dra Kartika Fithriasari MSi proved that there are 28 regions in East Java with poor digital infrastructure, while digital training has so far been held online. “From these simple problems we found an effective solution,” he added.
Using the support vector regression analysis method as well as statistical software R and Microsoft Excel, the Horeee Team offers three recommended solutions. Namely the development of digital infrastructure for the three lowest regions, the provision of offline training, and the use of Night Time Light data to determine the number of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). “We provide solutions that are easy to implement from the data analysis we present,” Bram said.
Meanwhile, the second winner of the Plan A Team brought up the topic titled Peer-to-Peer Lending as Legality and Capital Problem Resolution for MSMEs in East Java. Liefran, one of the team members explained that based on the 1988 and 2008 financial crises, MSMEs had an important role in dealing with the recession that occurred. “MSMEs are Indonesia’s main shield in facing a recession,” said the 5th semester student.
Based on this topic, the team which supervised by Ahmad Mukhlason SKom MSc PhD found two problem formulations faced by MSMEs, namely not having legality and lack of venture capital. The team then found a suitable solution by developing the Peer-to-Peer Lending (P2PL) method, which so far has been doubted by many due to the risk of default. “There are still many people who are afraid to implement it even though they know it’s a good solution,” Liefran said.
He also explained, with the predictive analytics method as well as the Tableau and Python software used by his team in data processing, it is proven that the success rate of paying in the P2PL method is above 90 percent. Therefore, the Plan A Team provided three alternative solutions for the East Java government to partner with the P2PL platform, launch the Jatim Bisa program, and campaign for the younger generation.
At the end, Liefran said that the 60-hour race challenged the team on how to do proper data analysis in finding problems and then looking for suitable alternative solutions. “The point is how can we find problems from the data and then present the results of our analysis into the best solution,” he concluded. (ITS Public Relation)
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