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November 29, 2022 17:11

ITS Professor Was Selected to Lead IEEE Indonesia Section 2023

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Prof. Ir. Gamantyo Hendrantoro, M.Eng., Ph.D., ITS professor who was selected as The Leader of IEEE Indonesia Section 2023

Prof. Ir. Gamantyo Hendrantoro, M.Eng., Ph.D., ITS professor who was selected as The Leader of IEEE Indonesia Section 2023

ITS Campus News – One of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) professors has been selected and entrusted to become The Leader of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Indonesia Section in 2023. It proves that the role of professor is not only to lead the development of science in campus, but also the opportunity to become a leader in national scale organization.

He is Prof. Ir. Gamantyo Hendrantoro, M.Eng., Ph.D., professor from Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology ITS. Gamantyo explained, IEEE is an international organization whose members are engineers, industry players, and students with the aim of developing technology to increase human dignity.

Headquartered in the United States, members of this organization are spread all over the world and grown over time. Therefore, Gamantyo continued, they are divided into several regions to facilitate coordination and management. “In 1988, IEEE Indonesia Section was established and included in region 10 together with other countries in Asia-Pacific,” Gamantyo explained.

Prof. Ir. Gamantyo Hendrantoro, M.Eng., Ph.D. as a speaker at IEEE Indonesia Section 2016 meeting

Prof. Ir. Gamantyo Hendrantoro, M.Eng., Ph.D. as a speaker at IEEE Indonesia Section 2016 meeting

Based on the motto which is advancing technology for humanity, IEEE Indonesia Section has some tasks for carrying out the goals of using technology in Indonesia for the community, such as making innovation, encouraging science and technology in areas that become the focus of IEEE, and using it for humanity, health, and education. It also encourages students to have networking, both central IEEE administrators and members.

Gamantyo explained, several work programs owned by IEEE include international conferences held by Indonesia’s universities. Papers from that conferences can be published in another program, namely IEEE Explore.

Before holding the mandate to become The Leader of IEEE Indonesia Section 2023, Gamantyo as an ITS lecturer, started his journey while studying master degree in Canada. In a country characterized by maple leaves, Gamantyo began to become a part of IEEE in 1996. As the time goes by, after graduating from his doctoral degree and returning back to ITS, his membership status increased from student member to member in 2001.

After returning to his homeland in 2008, Gamantyo actively participated in many activities of IEEE Indonesia Section although he was not yet an administrator. Then in 2013, Gamantyo’s status again increased as a senior member and the following year he became a member of IEEE Indonesia Section board until 2018. “For the next two years, there was a vacuum due to busy lecturers, then in 2021, I joined again and became The Vice Leader of IEEE Indonesia Section 2021 and 2022,” he said.

Prof. Ir. Gamantyo Hendrantoro, M.Eng., Ph.D. (bottom left) while participating at IEEE Indonesia Section activities regarding The Cooperation Agreement signing with The Directorate General of Higher Education and Technology

Prof. Ir. Gamantyo Hendrantoro, M.Eng., Ph.D. (bottom left) while participating at IEEE Indonesia Section activities regarding The Cooperation Agreement signing with The Directorate General of Higher Education and Technology

To determine the next leader, the advisory board should make a meeting every half of the management period which is held by IEEE Indonesia Section. Gamantyo said, the process of his selection as the leader of IEEE Indonesia Section 2023 began with the name proposed by the advisory board. Then, his name was announced to the members of IEEE Indonesia Section and welcomed to provide comments, refute or propose additional candidates.

Usually, there is more than one name proposed by the advisory board, but in this period, only Gamantyo was put forward. After waiting until the deadline for proposal submission and no other names suggested at the meeting held on August 10, Gamantyo would officially become the management leader starting January 1, 2023.

The reason why he became The Leader of IEEE Indonesia Section was not solely due to circumstances, but he saw it as the trust given by all members of IEEE Indonesia. In addition, this organization has a strategic role, apart from being filled by academicians, researchers, and industry people, also the government. “I want good communication from the four parties,” he said.

Officially becoming the leader, this Jombang-born man will certainly continue the program from the previous leader. The vision and mission that he brings to the management later is equal to the distribution of IEEE activities throughout Indonesia. Gamantyo said it was because of the fact that many members of IEEE Indonesia Section who came from outside Java Island still experienced limited access to information and could not experience the maximum benefits as members.

Prof. Ir. Gamantyo Hendrantoro, M.Eng., Ph.D. (top center) attends the first IEEE Indonesia Section 2021 management meeting with Student Branches

Prof. Ir. Gamantyo Hendrantoro, M.Eng., Ph.D. (top center) attends the first IEEE Indonesia Section 2021 management meeting with Student Branches

Besides, Gamantyo wants to create a framework so that the work program of IEEE Indonesia Section and the government can be sustainable. One of them is by having Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program, Kedaireka, World Class University, and others. If this plan can be well- synergized, it is hoped that it can continue to be honed, achieved and successful.

Furthermore, utilizing the programs and facilities provided by the central IEEE to the members of IEEE Indonesia Section. Gamantyo said, for example, IEEE Learning Network which provides materials such as online lectures. Then, there is IEEE Innovation Nation which aims to support and provide assistances to startups. “There is also something called Try Engineering. It is a program for high school students to be interested in engineering,” added Gamantyo.

With the mandate he has got for a year ahead, he hopes it can be useful for IEEE Indonesia Section in the field of research, industry networks, Indonesian students and lecturers, both nationally and internationally. Besides, it also strengthens the organization. Hopefully, more and more members will increase their status and many ITS academicians are involved in IEEE.

In the future, it is hoped that ITS will not only be the party that is continuously assisted, but laso be the one that helps other parties who have not got privilege from this collaboration. “For example, there are other tertiary institutions which need to find partners, especially we can help for educational collaboration in the development of student innovation,” he concluded. (ITS PR)

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