Campus ITS, ITS News – In optimizing the tourism sector in Surabaya after the pandemic, a team of students from the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) initiated an innovation called Urbaneur. Based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), this innovation in the form of an integrated system offers various features to answer the needs of visitors and policymakers.
Achmad Wisnu Firmansyah, Michelle Hana Christela, and Anindya Gita Sasmaya Wahyuadi, members of the Outliers Team, are innovating Urbaneur to support government programs in developing the creative economy, especially in the tourism sector. The three students from the Department of Urban and Regional Planning (PWK) used AI and the Internet of Things (IoT) in their innovative concept.
ITS Outliers Team Leader Anindya Gita Sasmaya Wahyuadi said that there are three aspects of smart cities offered by Urbaneur. Namely intelligent governance in the form of digitizing planning products, innovative economy to increase local revenue (PAD), and intelligent branding to maximize the image of Surabaya city attractions. “These three aspects are based on the smart city concept in Surabaya,” said the student who is familiarly called Gita.
Urbaneur is planned to be available in a website version with user classifications divided into two: visitors and administrators. On a unique website for visitors, users will be greeted with various tourist destinations in Surabaya. In each of these destinations, there is information about tourist attractions, ticket prices, the number of visitors, and the availability of parking lots.
Not only in numbers but information on visitor density and parking availability is also presented on a map in real-time. Gita revealed that this feature utilizes the CCTV facilities available at the location by using AI to detect the point of visitor density and the coordinates of parked vehicles.
Furthermore, explained Gita, users can access transportation by monitoring the movement of the Suroboyo Bus available on Urbaneur. Users can also order tickets and make payments using various methods. This experience is expected to help tourists meet their need for information. “Urbaneur can facilitate public accessibility in obtaining various tourist information,” added Gita.
The third-semester student added, for features, the administrator presented the results of the analysis in the form of graphs that were useful for the government in making policies related to tourism. This feature is quite applicable to the Surabaya City government for the city’s development. “With these features, Urbaneur can be implemented for sustainable development,” he assured.
Under the guidance of lecturers Putu Gde Ariastita ST MT and Irzal Ahmad Sabilla SKom Mkom, Urbaneur’s innovation successfully led the Outliers team to win a silver medal at the Gemastik XV event some time ago. Gita and the couple admit they always stick to the supervisor’s message. “We have in mind to do our best and let God decide,” he said firmly. (ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: Aghnia Tias Salsabila
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