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December 21, 2022 14:12

Reach for the Top, ITS’s New tagline in the International World

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Wakil Rektor III ITS Dr Eng Ir Ahmad Rusdiansyah MEng saat mempresentasikan makna jargon tematik baru ITS, Membumi untuk Mendunia

ITS Deputy Chancellor III Dr. Eng Ir Ahmad Rusdiansyah MEng when presenting the meaning of ITS’s new thematic tagline, Grounded for Global

ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has chosen “Reach for the Top” as its new tagline for 2023. The new slogan, which aims to strengthen the mission of advancing humanity, was directly introduced at the 2022 ITS Work Meeting, which took place on Wednesday (21/12) at the Alila Hotel in Solo.

ITS Chancellor Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng presented the various accomplishments that ITS has made over the past year during the year-end work meeting, which will last until Friday (23/12). Among these are awards from the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology (Diktiristek) 2022, such as the Red and White Electric Bus (BLiMP) innovation to the winner of the Indonesian Robot Contest (KRI) and Gemastik 2022.

Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng saat memaparkan evaluasi kinerja sivitas akademika ITS tahun 2022 serta rencana strategis di tahun 2023

ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng when explaining the performance evaluation of the ITS academic community in 2022 and strategic plans for 2023

In keeping with this new tagline, ITS is also preparing several strategic initiatives for 2023 in innovation, education, research, and community service. The president, who goes by Ashari, said, “Of course, this is to support sustainable digital and financial transformation.

These include the creation of infrastructure for the environment, business, and education, as well as the creation of mandatory standards for study programs accredited A or internationally.
“Let’s keep developing and building on the various international programs that have been held so far,” said Ashari encouragingly.

Meanwhile, ITS Deputy Chancellor III Dr. Eng Ir Ahmad Rusdiansyah MEng explained that every contribution made by the ITS academic community is expected to continue to be grounded and help solve various societal problems.

Membumi untuk Mendunia, jargon tematik baru ITS di tahun 2023 sebagai perwujudan semangat untuk menjadi unggul di lingkungan internasional

Reach for the Top, ITS’s new thematic jargon in 2023 as an embodiment of the spirit to excel in the international environment

On the other hand, he continued, extraordinary achievements are expected to be consistent in responding to local and global challenges. This includes empowering students to become future global leaders, strengthening organizations, and encouraging innovation for national independence, among other things. “As it is today, ITS continues to strive towards global recognition,” said the Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering lecturer.

The vice-chancellor, who goes by Doddy, added that the slogan “Reach for the Top” embodies the organization’s core value of succeeding globally. “Hopefully, this tagline inspires the ITS academic community to carry out work programs as expected in 2023,” he concluded. (ITS PR)

Reporter: Fathia Rahmanisa

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