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December 24, 2022 17:12

ITS is Supported by BUMN in Researching Propellant for Rocket Fuel

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Tim Peneliti ITS dan perwakilan PT Dahana ketika melakukan penandatanganan kerja sama penelitian dan pengembangan bahan bakar energi tinggi yakni propelan untuk bahan bakar roket

ITS Research Team and the representatives of PT. Dahana while signing the research and development collaboration on high energy fuels, namely propellant for rocket fuel

ITS Campus News – So far, Indonesia has not independently mastered technology for high-energy materials. As one of the best engineering colleges in Indonesia and reputable both nationally and internationally, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) is trusted by the Education Fund Management Institute (LPDP) to research and develop propellant for rocket fuel, as well as partnering with a state-owned company (BUMN), namely PT. Dahana.

The head of ITS research team, Dr.Eng. Hosta Ardhyananta, S.T., M.Sc., revealed that this activity was a series of the LPDP Invitation Rispro research program on Extruded Double Base (EDB) Folding Fin Aerial Rocket (FFAR) 70. Meanwhile, the research entitled The Development of EDB Propellant for FFAR Fuelis supported and funded by LPDP to conduct research within a span of three years.

The lecturer from Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Department ITS added, this propellant research team is a combination of cross-departmental academics at ITS as well as researchers from PT Dahana. PT. Dahana itself is a state-owned company that has expertise and experience in the production of propulsion equipment and fuel. “ITS and PT. Dahana will work together to share resources in conducting studies to understand and master rocket propellant technology,” he explained.

Tergabung dalam tim penelitian ITS, Wakil Rektor IV ITS Bambang Pramujati ST M Sc Eng PhD (tengah) bersama tim ketika melakukan kunjungan ke Kantor Manajemen Pusat PT Dahana

Joining ITS research team, The Vice Rector IV of ITS, Bambang Pramujati, S.T., M.Sc.Eng., Ph.D. (center), with the team during a visit to PT. Dahana’s Central Management Office

The research in propellant development is considered important because Indonesia itself does not yet have much research that is in accordance with the needs of rocket propellant. So far, propellant material needs are met from foreign imports. “This research is expected to have benefits in the context of mastering propellant material technology on an independent national basis,” said Hosta.

Beneficially, Hosta explained that the propellant could be used for the needs of the main weapon system (alutsista) and for use in other fields in the industrial realm. Aside from being a fuel, propellant can also be used as a bullet booster, aircraft booster, earth explosive, building explosive, and so on.

Meanwhile, in the series of research activities, Hosta said that within three years the research would be divided into several stages. For example, in the first year the propellant manufacturing process and propellant properties testing will be carried out. In the second year, rolling propellant development was carried out. Then, in the last year, a study was carried out on the propellant extrusion formation process and rocket manufacture.

Ending his explanation, Hosta hopes that this research can produce outputs that are in accordance with the national and international needs for rocket propellant. In the future he is optimistic that Indonesia will be able to become independent in mastering propellant technology and will no longer depend on foreign countries. “National needs are very dependent on foreign countries, where this can threaten the independence and sovereignty of the Indonesian nation,” he concluded. (ITS PR)

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