During the inauguration, Director of Research and Community Service (DRPM) ITS Fadlilatul Taufany ST, PhD, said that the presence of Apps4Swam aims to facilitate interaction between waste banks and customers, which has been done manually so far. In this case, the application is carried out for waste banks in the City of Kediri. “Hopefully, with this application the benefits that the waste bank and the community will also increase,” he said.
In the same occasion, the Application Development Coordinator from the ITS Sustainable Environment Infrastructure Research Center Ir Ary Mazharuddin Shiddiqi SKom MCompSc PhD said, currently Apps4Swam can be downloaded via Google Playstore. The application resulting from a research collaboration between ITS, Heriot Watt University, and the City Government of Kediri has involved 10 waste banks and can be used by the people of Kediri City as customers in general.
Customers who wish to save can choose the nearest waste bank, then enter data on the waste to be sold. Through the application, customers can easily find out the exchange price of the waste. After obtaining approval, waste can be handed over directly or picked up by a waste bank officer.
In addition to facilitating the administration of waste bank records, the waste e-bank really helps the community to easily find out the amount of savings they have from the waste that has been exchanged. “So that saving management becomes more practical and transparent,” Ary confirmed firmly.
With his privilege, The Mayor of Kediri City also welcomed the results of this collaboration that had been prepared since the beginning of 2022. He revealed, this application can be a means to increase community participation in managing waste, starting from the household scope. “So that it can increase the competitiveness of the people of Kediri through technological support,” Abdullah said.
Until 2024, Ary expects that the research results funded by the Royal Society of Edinburgh can be used more and more by the public Kediri City, so that it can also be applied in other areas later. “In the future this application will also be controlled directly by the local government and can reach the industrial sphere,” he concluded optimistically. (ITS PR)
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