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December 25, 2022 15:12

Closing ITS 62nd Anniversary, National Figures Encourage Utilization of Technology

Oleh : enadminukp | | Source : -
Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng menyampaikan pidatonya dalam acara Puncak Dies Natalis ke-62 ITS

The Rector of ITS, Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng, delivered his remarks at the closing of ITS 62nd Anniversary

ITS Campus News – The Highlight of the 62nd Anniversary Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) concludes a series of celebratory activities. The activity which was held at Graha Sepuluh Nopember ITS, Saturday (12/11), carried out the concept of Indonesia’s development by highlighting the importance of science and technology towards Indonesia Emas 2045.

This event presented one of the important figures for the Indonesian nation, who is the 10th and 12th Vice Presidents of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) Dr (HC) Drs Muhammad Jusuf Kalla, to give scientific orations and receive awards. Other important guests such as the Governor of East Java, Hj. Khofifah Indar Parawansa, previous ITS rectors, and ITS leaders also attended to this event. Furthermore, The Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek), Nadiem Anwar Makarim BA MBA, and a number of rectors from other universities in Indonesia also joined and congratulated ITS virtually.

Wakil Presiden RI ke-10 dan ke-12 Dr (HC) Drs Muhammad Jusuf Kalla menyampaikan orasi ilmiah pada Puncak Dies Natalis ke-62 ITS di Graha Sepuluh Nopember ITS

The 10th and 12th Vice Presidents of the Republic of Indonesia Dr (HC) Drs Muhammad Jusuf Kalla delivered a scientific oration at the Peak of the 62nd ITS Anniversary at Graha Sepuluh Nopember ITS

In his remarks, ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng revealed a number of achievements that ITS had achieved in 62 years of working for Indonesia. Starting from fulfilling technology for the industrial world to healthcare, ITS continues to dare to crawl and develop using various technological trends and good inter-institutional job growth.

More than that, ITS also needs to increase the contribution and active role of the community which refers to science and technology by strengthening a network of facilities for society, such as expanding existing fields of knowledge. “ITS has succeeded in establishing a department in the health sector, namely medical technology and will continue to expand its domain by preparing medical faculties,” he said.

Pemberian Penghargaan Sepuluh Nopember kepada Dr (HC) Drs Muhammad Jusuf Kalla oleh Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng sebagai bentuk apresiasi dari ITS

Giving Sepuluh Nopember Award to Dr (HC) Drs Muhammad Jusuf Kalla by ITS Chancellor Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng as a form of appreciation from ITS

After 62 years of active contribution, the chancellor, who is usually called Ashari, explained that by expanding the existing fields of knowledge, educational institutions will become the basis for achieving national goals. Through education, especially in the fields of science and technology, ITS is expected to continue to expand innovation to achieve progress in a country.

In line with this, the scientific oration delivered by Jusuf Kalla also highlighted Indonesia’s progress based on science, technology and innovation. He said the purpose of the nation is to advance the nation. “Innovation always has a relationship with technology. Technology always has a relationship with education,” explained the former Coordinating Minister for People’s Welfare of the Republic of Indonesia, who is familiarly called JK.

Prosesi pemasangan giring-giring ke-62 oleh rektor ITS sebagai tanda penambahan umur ITS dalam berkarya di dunia pendidikan Indonesia

The procession of installing the 62nd bells by the Chancellor of ITS as a sign of increasing ITS age in working in the world of Indonesian education

He said that increasing productivity by utilizing technology is the key for a country to achieve long-term growth. Accumulating innovation and technology by building more production facilities will generate growth in the medium term. But in the long run growth will decline and eventually approach zero.

In order to realize a culture of innovation, in Indonesia there are so many pre-conditions. By photographing Indonesia’s current condition, JK can measure how ready Indonesia is to innovate in facing the knowledge-based economy and green energy era, as well as find solutions to existing problems.

Dr (HC) Drs Muhammad Jusuf Kalla (berbatik ITS) mengikuti barisan prosesi untuk seremonial Puncak Dies Natalis ke-62 ITS

Dr (HC) Drs Muhammad Jusuf Kalla (in ITS batik) joined the procession for the Ceremonial Peak of ITS 62nd Anniversary

With the existence of a development concept that focuses on innovation and technology, the former Minister of People’s Welfare of the Republic of Indonesia also mentioned the basis for inventions that work and are in line with the wheels of the nation’s progress. “All of this will always go hand in hand with technological discoveries, so as to produce efficient performance and continue to be the mainstay of the nation,” he explained.

A series of Dies Natalis closing ceremonies with the theme Innovation for Indonesia also presented the November 10 Award to Jusuf Kalla who has actively contributed to the development of technology in Indonesia. Not only that, ITS also gives a number of prestigious awards such as Wira Adhiwasesa, Wira Adhibrata, ITS International Partner, Media Partner, and Entrepreneur Award.

The awards have been adjusted to national figures, lecturers, students, and the general public who have contributed to helping the development of ITS to become a world-class campus, as well as contributing to the Indonesian nation. (ITS PR)

Dr (HC) Drs Muhammad Jusuf Kalla menerima cinderamata berupa sketsa diri karya dosen ITS dari Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng

Dr (HC) Drs Muhammad Jusuf Kalla received a souvenir in the form of a self-sketch made by an ITS lecturer from the ITS Chancellor Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng


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