ITS Campus News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continues to demonstrate its commitment to improving the quality of its organizational work culture. This is evidenced by the success of ITS teaching staff in winning three gold and one silver medals at National Quality and Productivity Work Gathering (TKMPN) 2022 which took place in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, ended on the last Friday (25/11).
TKMPN 2022 is an event for exchanging knowledge through demonstrations of innovation and quality works from various State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) and the private sector in Indonesia. Organized by the Quality & Productivity Indonesia (AMMPI) and PT Wahana Kendali Mutu (WKM), ITS were the only participants from educational institutions.
Daily Executive (Plh) Director of Human and Organizational Resources (SDMO) ITS Dr. Irhamah SSi MSi explained, in this annual event each team presented ideas or works in the form of quality improvement through papers, videos, or documentation. “This year, ITS sent four teams consisting of 11 students,” he said
Unmitigated, three ITS delegation teams, namely the Lebaran Ketupat team, the Briwood team, and the AR-Safety team managed to bring home a gold award in this event which was held again offline. The Lebaran Ketupat team demonstrated their work in the form of a contract Human Resources (HR) management information system in increasing the effectiveness of non-permanent employee management at ITS.
Meanwhile, the Briwood team demonstrated their work in managing tree branch waste and scrap assets to become briquettes. Meanwhile, the AR-Safety team showcased their innovation in the form of a QR code-based Occupational Health and Safety (K3) digital education guide to accelerate ITS HR knowledge in implementing OSH in the campus environment.
In addition, ITS also won a silver award through the innovation of the Antasena team, namely the Student Locker Application as an alternative academic data center solution. “The four teams are the winners in the training competition that has been held internally at ITS, namely ITSprovement 5.0 and Tex2Dia,” said Irhamah further.
The ITS Statistics Department lecturer admitted that this year was the first moment for ITS to take part in this TKMPN. Even so, since last October the student delegations sent have made various preparations, including training on writing papers to rehearsing presentations. “This achievement is a good start, meaning that ITS is able to compete with hundreds of other teams that have been participating in TKMPN for a long time,” said Irhamah proudly.
He hopes that these innovations and contributions can benefit society, especially through increasing work efficiency and productivity at ITS. “This is certainly in line with ITS motto, namely Advancing Humanity,” he concluded smiling. (ITS PR)
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