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December 25, 2022 10:12

ITS succeeds in Becoming a Champion in The National Electric Motorcycle Event

Oleh : enadminukp | | Source :
Tim Anargya ITS usai dinobatkan sebagai juara I dalam ajang PLN Innovation & Competition in Electricity (ICE) 2022 yang diselenggarakan di Jiexpo Kemayoran, Jakarta

ITS Anargya team after being announced as the first winner at PLN Innovation & Competition in Electricity (ICE) 2022 which was held in Jiexpo Kemayoran, Jakarta

ITS Campus News – For many times, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) again obtained achievements in prestigious national events. Through the innovation of converting fuel oil (BBM) motors to electric motors, ITS through the Anargya team won first place in the PLN Innovation & Competition in Electricity (ICE) 2022 which was held in Jiexpo Kemayoran, Jakarta on the last 20th October.

Febrian Dwi Saputra, The Leader of the Anargya team, at PLN ICE 2022 revealed that the team succeeded in creating a motorcycle that efficient in the use of electric fuel and tough which is named “Thevin EV”. This motorcycle carries a modern retro concept by adapting designs and specifications that adjust to standards issued by the government. “In addition to being environmentally friendly, Thevin EV has also passed certification, of course,” he added.

Motor listrik Thevin EV karya Tim Anargya ITS saat dipamerkan dalam ajang PLN Innovation & Competition in Electricity (ICE) 2022 yang diselenggarakan di Jiexpo Kemayoran, Jakarta

The Thevin EV electric motorcycle by ITS Anargya Team when it was exhibited at PLN Innovation & Competition in Electricity (ICE) 2022, held in Jiexpo Kemayoran, Jakarta

The innovation developed by the Anargya team is the concept of restoring motor vehicles that are considered old to become environmentally friendly vehicles with roadworthy standards. “Thevin EV with its modern retro concept is an answer for electric vehicles in Indonesia, which visually still don’t attract the public’s interest,” said Febrian proudly.

The student of Industrial Mechanical Engineering Department ITS continued, making Thevin EV prioritizes TKDN (domestic component level) of more than 70 percent. It means that more than 70 percent of the components of this motorcycle are made in the country. One of them is the use of a motorcycle from Braja Electric Motor which is also made by Indonesian people. “On the battery side, we use two GESITS motor batteries, so they can travel up to 100 kilometers,” he explained.

Besides, Febrian explained that the Anargya team had also managed to incorporate their own components into the Thevin EV motorcycle. This component is a display that can provide information to drivers about speed, odometer, battery capacity, and much more. The team also equipped Thevin EV with a hydraulic system, making it easier to maintain and replace the battery.

Tampilan sepeda motor Thevin EV, rancangan Tim Anargya ITS yang berbahan bakar listrik

The display of Thevin EV motorcycle, designed by ITS Anargya Team which runs on electricity

Febrian revealed that support from ITS Science Techno Park (STP) managed to finish Thevin EV motorcycle on time. This is because the team only had a short time to carry out modifications and conversions of motorcycles according to the proposals they made. “We received a guidance from STP ITS, so we could finish this motorcycle on time within 1.5 months,” he said.

Concluding his explanation, Febrian expects that his team’s achievements can be a motivation for the next generation to continue working and innovating for the country, especially in the field of electric vehicles. “We really hope that Indonesia can become a green country and without emissions (exhaust gas),” he said. (ITS PR)

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