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Synergizing Steps, ITS Declare Development Studies Association – Indonesia

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Ketua Development Studies Association - Indonesia (DSA-Indonesia) yang juga Kepala Departemen Studi Pembangunan ITS Dr Arfan Fahmi SS MPd, saat membuka acara deklarasi secara virtual

The Head of the Development Studies Association – Indonesia (DSA-Indonesia) who is also the Head of the ITS Development Studies Department Dr. Arfan Fahmi SS MPd, when opening the virtual declaration

ITS Campus News – In order to improve the quality and synergy between Development Studies study programs in Indonesia, the Institute Sepuluh Nopember Technology (ITS) in collaboration with several universities in Indonesia took the initiative to declare the Association for Development Studies – Indonesia (DSA-Indonesia), Thursday (10/11).

Leading by The Head of Development Studies Department ITS, Dr Arfan Fahmi SS MPd, the Development Studies association houses seven well-known universities in Indonesia. These include the Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU), Universitas Andalas, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Universitas Satya Wacana Christian, Universitas Lampung (Unila), Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, and ITS itself.

This step is a continuation of the Indonesian Development Study Consortium (KSPI) which was implemented in February 2009. Arfan Fahmi together with all the heads of the Development Studies study programs from several universities in Indonesia agreed that the Development Studies study program is a study program with a very high urgency of need, especially for a developing country like Indonesia.

Based on this, Arfan and the six members of DSA-Indonesia believe that there is a need for curriculum standardization in the development, planning and implementation of Development Studies study programs in the future. “Our association adopted the main theories from Development Studies, namely ethics, politics, social, and government policies,” said Arfan.

By adopting these four theories, DSA-Indonesia plans to advance and harmonize the quality and attractiveness of development studies. Not only in development studies, DSA-Indonesia also hopes to be able to produce quality and qualified development study resources.

Dekan Fakultas Desain Kreatif dan Bisnis Digital (FDKBD) ITS Imam Baihaqi ST MSc PhD saat memberikan sambutan acara deklarasi

The Dean of The Faculty of Creative Design and Digital Business (FDKBD) ITS, Imam Baihaqi ST MSc PhD, while giving remarks at the declaration

As a result, the public can become more aware of the existence of the Development Studies study program and its million roles in contributing to society, nation and state. Representative for Development Studies from ITB, Suhirman, also conveyed his aspirations regarding DSA-Indonesia. “We also implement the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in developing DSA-Indonesia,” he said.

He also added that apart from advancing the quality of the Development Studies Study Program, contributing optimally to society is also the main foundation for the formation of DSA-Indonesia. “We plan to conduct routine research, increase education levels, and later also do community service,” he explained.

However, before realizing the plan, Arfan underlined that as a newly formed association, growing DSA-Indonesia and its members is their top priority at the moment. “Providing benefits to the community is an obligation for us, but right now we are still focusing on internal consolidation,” Arfan said.

Arfan also expressed his hope that DSA-Indonesia could become an association capable of making the Development Studies Study Program proud. He also hopes that in the future DSA-Indonesia will be able to reach all regions in Indonesia. “We will collaborate with each other in order to achieve the goals of DSA-Indonesia, which is to produce concrete manifestations of Development Studies in society,” he confirmed. (ITS PR)

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