ITS News

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December 25, 2022 12:12

The Team of Instrumentation Student ITS Wins Many Achievements at Olivia 2022

Oleh : enadminukp | | Source :
Tim War, salah satu andalan ITS menunjukkan karya inovasinya berupa virtual simulator pengukuran tingkat tekanan bunyi dan intensitas cahaya dengan kendali jarak jauh berbasis web

The War team, one of the mainstays of ITS, shows its innovative work in the form of a virtual simulator for measuring sound pressure levels and light intensity with web-based remote control

ITS Campus News – The team of vocational students from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) succeeded in making another glorious achievement by winning four championship awards in two categories at the 2022 Indonesian Vocational Olympiad (Olivia). The team from Instrumentation Department ITS successfully won the Scientific Writing Competition (LKTI) category as well as Educational Control and Instrumentation which was held online on 28th October.

The leader team of LKTI Saintek group from ITS, Bunga Diva Camilla, explained that the 1st place award in this category was won by the Smartbox team ITS. Meanwhile, for the category of Educational Control and Instrumentation ITS was also won by the Instrumentation team as 1st place winner, the WAR team as 2nd place winner, and the Skywalker007 team as the 2nd winner of Hope.

Penghargaan juara 1 Kategori LKTI Saintek yang berhadil diraih tim Smartbox, salah satu tim andalan dari Departemen Teknik Instrumentasi ITS

The 1st place award for the LKTI Saintek Category which was won by the Smartbox team, one of the mainstay teams from Instrumentation Engineering Department ITS

Regarding the success of the ITS teams, Bunga revealed that initially the Smartbox team saw that the number of diseases that attack babies should be minimized with regular measurements. However, measurements have so far been done manually.

Moving on from these problems, the Smartbox team wants to digitize measurements that can be accessed anytime and anywhere. “Finally we brought the title LKTI Saintek namely Design and Build an Android Integrated Multifunction Box as an Anthropometric Measuring Tool,” explained this second year student herself.

Meanwhile in the Educational Control and Instrumentation category, the three ITS teams focused on prototype tools to be implemented in the education sector. A simple example that can be taken in this prototype is the design of a practicum tool.

In this category, ITS Instrumentation team also brings brilliant ideas. The saturation of the Instrumentation team in measuring viscosity in physics practicum which was still done manually, finally led to the idea of ​​integrating with technology. This innovative idea is entitled Design and Build Viscosity Measurement to Support Basic Physics Practicum. Thus, the viscosity practicum can later be done remotely due to sensor technology.

Sesi presentasi secara daring berlangsung lancar pada ajang Olivia 2022 yang dilakukan tim perwakilan di ruang Departemen Teknik Instrumentasi ITS

The online presentation session went smoothly at the Olivia 2022 event which was carried out by the team’s representatives in ITS Instrumentation Engineering Department room

This year, the Olivia event was hosted by Yogyakarta State University (UNY). In order to build a competitive spirit between vocational students throughout Indonesia, the Indonesian Vocational Higher Education Forum (FPTVI) provided a forum for the Olivia event. Carrying the theme Realizing Creativity and Sustainable Excellence Innovation After Pandemic Through Vocational Higher Education, it is hoped that this will create sustainable innovation after the pandemic.

The Coordinator of Olivia 2022 Activity from ITS, Lucky Putri Rahayu, SSi MSi, explained several stages in the competition. The stages of this competition began with the elimination round for work proposals, which then announced the 10 best works to advance to the final and make presentations. “In the assessment, there is an accumulation of concept ideas, writing systematics, presentation media, presentation techniques, and mastery of the material,” Lucky said.

A various obstacles and fierce competition have been conquered by this team of ITS Instrumentation Engineering Department student representatives. Such as the lack of insight and experience in the LKTI event, which is a challenge for the Smartbox team who participate in the LKTI Saintek category. It took approximately two months to work out the preparations for Olivia 2022. To deal with this, the supervising lecturers were actively involved in guiding and coaching the team so that they occupy the championship podium.

Tim ITS saat berkonsentrasi melakukan sesi presentasi secara daring pada ajang Olivia 2022

The ITS team is currently concentrating to conduct an online presentation session at the Olivia 2022 event

ITS itself, according to Lucky, really supports the preparation of its students in the event. Publications are intensively carried out in the vocational environment and intensive guidance is carried out by lecturers reviewers, Pimnas alumni, and supervisors. “Ditmawa (Directorate of Student Affairs) ITS participates in assisting the administration process and facilitating infrastructure that really helps us,” said the lecturer of Electrical Automation Engineering Department ITS.

Lucky expects that next year ITS students will be even more enthusiastic in participating in competitions. The reason is, the various competitions are fun and addicting in conquering them. It is hoped that ITS success at Olivia 2022 will not stop here. “Hopefully next year, the enthusiasm of ITS Vocational students will increase and achievements can be even more glorious at Olivia 2023,” Lucky hoped. (ITS PR)

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