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December 26, 2022 10:12

ITS KKN Team Innovates a Waste Processing Machine for Blood and Chicken Feathers

Oleh : enadminukp | | Source : ITS Online
Made Laksmi Ariyani, salah satu anggota Kelompok 90 KKN Abmas ITS menunjukkan desain dari mesin inovasi pengolahan limbah untuk darah dan bulu ayam

Made Laksmi Ariyani, a member of ITS KKN Abmas Group 90 shows the design of an innovative waste treatment machine for chicken blood and feathers

ITS Campus News – ITS KKN Abmas of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) designed a waste treatment machine for chicken blood and feathers. Having collaboration with SMKN 1 Grati, Pasuruan, the processing of this waste produces blood meal and chicken feathers which can be used as animal feed.

The team coordinator, Irene Malilung Sitanggang, revealed that this innovation was composed of a steaming machine and oven conveyor. Irene said that at first the blood and chicken feathers were processed in a steaming machine. “This steaming machine is integrated with a chopping machine so that it can steam and then grind the waste automatically,” she explained.

Furthermore, the processing results go to the next section, namely the oven conveyor machine. Furthermore, Irene explained that this part serves to dry the blood and chicken feathers. Blood and feathers that have been steamed and chopped are transported on the conveyor and goes around the drying oven automatically.

Tim KKN Abmas ITS bersama perwakilan guru SMKN 1 Grati, Pasuruan

ITS KKN Abmas Team with the representatives of teachers in SMKN 1 Grati, Pasuruan

This class of 2019 student revealed that this innovation has the potential to be used in the chicken farming industry with quite high production. It is because the innovation of this steaming machine can accommodate five liters of blood waste in one operation. “Meanwhile, the conveyor machine has a belt that is five meters long and can be filled with about 10 tins of blood or dry fur in one go,” he said.

Irene also revealed that this innovation was temporarily aimed at solving waste management problems in SMKN 1 Grati. According to her explanation, the Animal Husbandry Agribusiness Department at the school has chicken slaughterhouse facilities that are not yet fully operational due to problems with blood waste and chicken feathers.

Tim KKN Abmas ITS melakukan survei pada ruang produksi pakan (RPP) SMKN 1 Grati, Pasuruan yang didampingi oleh staf Jurusan Agribisnis Peternakan sekolah tersebut

ITS KKN Abmas team conducted a survey in the feed production room (RPP) of SMKN 1 Grati, Pasuruan, accompanied by the Animal Husbandry Agribusiness Department school staffs

The reason, according to Irene, these two wastes cannot be thrown away without being processed. She explained that in accordance with government regulations, chicken slaughterhouse waste must be treated specifically and cannot be disposed of directly into the river. “Instead of just throwing it away, this waste can be processed to add new value,” said Irene.

Even so, Irene admits that this innovation still requires further research and development. She also expects that this innovation can have a positive impact to the environment. “By reducing the waste of blood and chicken feathers that are disposed of into the environment, water and soil pollution can be reduced,” she said hopefully. (ITS PR)

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