ITS News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025
December 26, 2022 21:12

ITS Succeeds in Securing The Top Three Positions at Pimnas 2022

Oleh : enadminukp | | Source : -

All ITS contingents at the closing night of the 35th Pimnas which took place in Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

ITS Campus News – The series of annual 35th National Student Scientific Week (Pimnas) 2022 by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) through the National Achievement Center (Puspresnas), officially ended on Saturday (3/12) evening. To be proud, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) managed to rank 3rd place at the closing night of the prestigious event which was held offline in Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM).

By Sending 30 contingent teams, ITS won a total of 16 medals and managed to come out as the 3rd place winner in this national-scale annual event. In detail, six medals were won in the poster category and 10 other medals were won in the presentation category.

ITS PKM-KC team won two medals at once, one gold medal in the poster category and one bronze in the presentation category

In the poster category, ITS brought home four gold medals and two bronze medals. Gold medals were successfully won in the fields of Student Creativity Program – Copyright (PKM-KC), Constructive Idea Video PKM (PKM-VGK), Exact Research PKM (PKM-RE), and Humanities Social Research PKM (PKM-RSH). Two other bronze medals were won in the field of PKM Application of Science and Technology (PKM-PI) and PKM-VGK.

Furthermore, in the presentation category, ITS won two gold medals, six silver medals and two bronze medals. Gold medals were successfully obtained in the field of PKM Entrepreneurship (PKM-K) and PKM Written Futuristic Ideas (PKM-GFT). Six silver medals were obtained in the field of Community Service PKM (PKM-PM), PKM-KC, PKM-VGK, PKM GFT, PKM-RSH, and PKM RE. Last but not least, bronze medals were obtained in the field of PKM-KC and PKM Innovative Works (PKM-KI).

ITS PKM Team- PI as one of the teams which won the bronze medal in the poster category at the closing night of the 35th Pimnas

The Director of Student Affairs ITS, Dr. Imam Abadi ST MT, who was also present at the closing night of the 35th Pimnas, expressed his pride for all ITS contingents who had fought until the end of the competition. “All ITS contingents have gone through a long process and we should be proud of their achievements at this time,” he said proudly.

ITS PKM-GFT team, one of the ITS teams which won a gold medal in the presentation category at the 35th Pimnas

Imam continued that ITS also needs to conduct several evaluations in the future to get better achievements next year. Imam expects that all ITS stakeholders from lecturers, departments and faculties, to previous Pimnas alumnus, can directly help guiding ITS students to made more achievements in this prestigious event. “With the cooperation of these various parties, I am sure that ITS will win the overall categories in the 36th Pimnas next year,” he said optimistically. (ITS PR)

ITS PKM-GFT team, one of the ITS teams which won a gold medal in the presentation category at the 35th Pimnas

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