ITS Campus, ITS News – Today there are still many students who still have difficulty or do not understand learning material, due to the lack of precise delivery of material with various types of student learning styles. Overcoming this problem, students from Insititut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) also initiated an application called Ajarin.
Ajarin is an application initiated by Dian Kusumawati, Linda Dwirahmawati, and Reza Rozaqul Akbar. The three students who are members of the Manut Dalane team started this brilliant idea to facilitate learning materials with various learning styles of students in Indonesia.
One of the team members, Reza Rozaqul Akbar, said that Ajarin was initiated with such a feature because many students still have difficulty understanding learning material. That’s because most learning applications do not provide users with features that suit learning styles. “So we have created the Ajarin application with features that suit three different learning styles,” he added.
The intended features include Augmented Reality (AR) or Video Reality (VR) features, videos, Electronic Books (E-Books), and Quizzes which is abbreviated as the AREK feature. This feature accommodates various visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles. “This AREK feature is what makes it different from other learning applications,” the Physics Department student added.
Reza explained that the AR/VR feature is designed to accommodate students with a visual learning style. With this feature, students can understand various sciences through three-dimensional (3D) videos, such as studying flora and fauna in Biology subjects. However, if students are not comfortable with the 3D learning method, Ajarin also provides a video feature containing various videos for various topics.
Another alternative is the E-Book feature which contains digital material from various subjects. In addition, the existing material is also packaged in detail regarding the topic of discussion, such as a detailed description of solving problems in mathematics. “In this way, we accommodate various learning styles, and students can more easily understand the material,” said Reza.
There is also a Quiz feature intended so students who have studied material through various previous features can hone their understanding. This feature also does not necessarily invite students to work on questions like exams at school but is designed as a crossword puzzle (TTS). “We also designed this to accommodate students with a kinesthetic learning style who are comfortable learning in practical forms,” continued the 2022 batch student.
With innovation packaged through the Ajarin application, the Manut Dalane team won 1st place in the 2022 Unlimited Essai Contest some time ago. As the winner, Reza hopes tjarin can materialize and become a means for students to increase their enthusiasm for learning. “That way, Ajarin can contribute to advancing education in Indonesia,” he said optimistically. (ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: Nabila Hisanah Yusri
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