ITS Campus, ITS News – Although it is quite attractive to the public because the cost is more affordable, the Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) method as an alternative treatment for patients with chronic kidney disease requires very strict supervision. Responding to this problem, the Naraya Team from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) developed a virtual assistant platform that makes it easy to monitor patient conditions remotely.
Team Leader Naraya ITS Fiqey Indriati Eka Sari said that SahabatCAPD is an application of his team’s ideas in 2021. Based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Augmented Reality (AR), this application helps patients self-monitoring so that doctors and medical personnel can monitor the patient’s condition in real-time. “Thus, doctors can provide recommendations if the patient is in an abnormal condition,” he explained.
Furthermore, according to Fiqey, the features in the form of a digital recording system, detection system, monitoring system and doctorbot are designed to help patients who use this application. “Patients no longer need to use books to record their progress for a month until a doctor’s appointment is held,” he explained.
Regarding the recording system, Fiqey revealed that patients must update data three to five times a day after the patient replaces sterile dialysate fluid into the peritoneal cavity via a permanent catheter. The data that must be entered are complaints, blood pressure, body weight, and differences in the volume of waste fluids. “This application can also be integrated with a smartwatch to automate blood pressure data,” he said.
The student of the Department of Informatics explained that these data were also supported by image data of the waste fluid that the patient had to photograph. With these data, the system can detect patients’ abnormal conditions or potential complications. “Doctors and medical staff will receive notifications if the data entered by the patient is not normal,” he said.
In addition to recording and detection systems, this application supports patient monitoring systems in real-time. All data entered by the patient will be stored and recorded in a logbook, as well as a historical record that can be seen by medical personnel. “There is also a doctorbot feature that helps patients find various information about CAPD therapy to support the success of therapy,” he added.
Given its usefulness in helping CAPD therapy patients, the Naraya Team entered their idea in a competition. Thanks to this brilliant idea, the team guided by the Dini Adni Navastara SKom MKom lecturer won a gold medal in the 2022 National Student Exhibition in the Field of Technology, Information and Communication (Gemastik). “Hopefully, Sahabat CAPD can be used immediately in Indonesia and help and facilitate medical staff and CAPD therapy patients,” he concluded. (ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: Irwan Fitranto
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