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December 31, 2022 00:12

ITS Students Innovate Penicillin as Corrosion Prevention

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Tim the Safest ITS yang beranggotakan (dari kiri) Tyara Novia Andhin, Muhammad Ihwan Nur Rifki, dan Ibnu Faridsyah yang menggagas inovasi penisilin sebagai pencegah korosi

The Safest ITS team consisting of (from left) Tyara Novia Andhin, Muhammad Ihwan Nur Rifki, and Ibnu Faridsyah, who initiated the innovation of penicillin as a corrosion prevention

ITS Campus, ITS News – Occupational accidents such as fires often occur in the oil and gas industry. Seeing this, The Safest team from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) analyzed the causes of the fire and provided a solution in the form of using penicillin as an environmentally friendly corrosion inhibitor.

The Safest ITS team leader, Muhammad Ihwan Nur Rifki, said that one of the crude oil processing units is the Naphtha Hydrotreating Unit (NHT). The unit removes sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen and heavy metal content in oil. “Because these elements can interfere with the next process,” he added.

Muhammad Ihwan Nur Rifki, ketua tim The Safest ITS ketika mempresentasikan inovasinya di depan para Juri kompetisi Safecom 2022

Muhammad Ihwan Nur Rifki, team leader of The Safest ITS, when presenting his innovation in front of the Safecom 2022 competition judges.

The student, who is often called Ihwan, continued that there is a risk of fire in the processing process. This fire was triggered because the liquid processed at the unit was a highly flammable crude oil derivative product. “In addition, because crude oil processing is carried out at high temperatures, fires can easily occur,” he explained.

According to Ihwan, the causes of industrial fires are very diverse. Therefore, an analysis of the root causes of fires needs to be carried out to determine the appropriate preventive measures. “To carry out this analysis, we use the fault tree analysis method,” explained this Chemical Engineering Department student.

Ketua Tim The Safest ITS Muhammad Ihwan Nur Rifki menunjukkan hasil inovasi timnya terkait penggunaan penisilin sebagai pencegah korosi

Team Leader of The Safest ITS, Muhammad Ihwan Nur Rifki, shows the results of his team’s innovation regarding using penicillin as corrosion prevention.

By using this method, it can be seen that leaks in pipes or processing equipment cause fires in NHT units. At the same time, the leakage itself is caused by corrosion in processing equipment made of metal. “This corrosion is the root of the problem and has several causes, namely the presence of salt deposits and acidic compounds,” said Ihwan.

Therefore, Ihwan and the team innovated an environmentally friendly corrosion inhibitor to prevent corrosion on the NHT unit. So far, the commonly used inorganic corrosion inhibitors can endanger the environment and workers, so penicillin is used, which is safer. These corrosion inhibitors work by forming a layer on the metal surface and prevent corrosion-causing compounds from coming into direct contact with the metal.

Process Flow Diagram (PFD) Naphtha Hydrotreating Unit (NHT) Pertamina RU IV Cilacap sebagai dasar inovasi penisilin sebagai inhibitor ramah lingkungan

Process Flow Diagram (PFD) Naphtha Hydrotreating Unit (NHT) Pertamina RU IV Cilacap as the basis for penicillin innovation as an environmentally friendly inhibitor

Using penicillin as an environmentally friendly inhibitor can create a green and sustainable industry following the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). “In addition, the use of penicillin as a corrosion inhibitor can withstand the corrosion rate to 0.0075 millimetres per year or the equivalent of an efficiency of 95.18 per cent,” concluded Ihwan.

Through innovation in analyzing root causes and providing appropriate and practical solutions, The Safest team won first place in the 2022 Safety Competition (Safecom) held by Gadjah Mada University (UGM) some time ago. Together with Ihwan, this team consists of students from the same department, namely Tyara Novia Andhin and Ibnu Faridsyah. (ITS Public Relations)

Reporter: Tyara Novia Andhin

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