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December 31, 2022 01:12

The ITS Abmas Team Supports Immersive Technology Learning in Schools

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Tampilan muka aplikasi qVRban terkait VR edukasi mengenai zabihah, hasil rancangan tim Abmas ITS yang diketuai oleh Hadziq Fabroyir SKom PhD

The front view of the qVRban application is related to educational VR about zabihah, designed by the ITS Abmas team chaired by Hadziq Fabroyir SKom PhD

ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continues to strive to provide benefits to the surrounding community. This time, the ITS Community Service (Abmas) team is utilizing immersive technology for learning about the science of cells and DNA as well as zabihah (halal animal slaughter) for school students through an application called qVRban.

Head of ITS Abmas Hadziq Fabroyir SKom PhD explained immersive technology such as Virtual Reality (VR) could help create a learning atmosphere that can penetrate academic topic boundaries. In addition, using this technology can make students better understand the material being taught. The initial target for implementing this abmas was Trimurti Surabaya High School which already had VR-based learning tools. “The Trimurti Surabaya High School also feels the development of students’ understanding through VR-based learning,” he said.

Hadziq continued a needs analysis to select learning modules appropriate to learning in science at Trimurti High School in Surabaya. This underlies the selection of learning modules about cells, pig and cow DNA, and zabihah. “Some of these modules were chosen because they are aligned with the collaboration between ITS Abmas and Trimurti Surabaya High School and ITS Center for Halal Studies (PKH),” he said.

Salah satu mahasiswa tim Abmas ITS Ahdan Irfan Muzhaffar bersama pemilik UMKM yang didampinginya menunjukkan sertifikat kebijakan halal yang dikeluarkan oleh Pusat Kajian Halal ITS

One of the ITS Abmas team’s students, Ahdan Irfan Muzhaffar and the MSME owner he accompanied showed a halal policy certificate issued by the ITS Halal Study Center.

Hadziq explained to produce an application with immersive technology, software such as Unity and Blender are needed for programming and three-dimensional (3D) visualization. The depiction of the surrounding environment and easy-to-understand interface design are also essential aspects of this application. “ITS lecturers from various disciplines were involved in making this happen,” he added.

Several lecturers such as Dr Eng Darlis Herumurti SKom MKom and Rizky Januar Akbar SKom MEng from the ITS Informatics Engineering Department, Fardilla Rizqiyah ST MT from the ITS Architecture Department, and Dr Mahendra Wardhana ST MT from the ITS Interior Design Department were important figures in making this application. Not to be missed, students from each of these departments also became one aspect of the smooth running of this activity.

In making the qVRban application, the East Java Halal Slaughterperson was also involved in finding out more about this zabihah process. In addition to providing education to students, Hadziq considers that this application can be helpful in the process of halal animal slaughter in the community. “This application can reduce the cost of learning but provide a picture of slaughter similar to the original,” he added.

Lokakarya untuk memberikan pengetahuan dasar mengenai teknologi VR bagi guru dan siswa SMA Trimurti Surabaya bertempat di gedung Departemen Desain Interior ITS

Workshop to provide basic knowledge about VR technology for teachers and students of SMA Trimurti Surabaya, which takes place in the ITS Interior Design Department building

Not only that, but the ITS Abmas team also conducted workshops for teachers and students of Trimurti Surabaya High School to continue using VR technology. This workshop will enable teachers and students at Trimurti Surabaya High School to create or develop modules suitable for further learning on the basis provided.

In addition, in this Abmas activity, assistance is provided for self-declared halal certification for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in East Java. This assistance involving PKH ITS includes several processes, from checking methods and materials to submitting a halal certificate at the Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency (BPJPH). “Students involved in abmas are also accompanying MSMEs to get halal certificates,” he said.

This doctoral graduate from the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) hopes that the series of activities that have been carried out can benefit everyone involved—from students and lecturers to the ABMAS target itself. “We hope that the output can provide benefits for each party involved and the use of this technology can make it easier and advance the surrounding community,” he concluded. (ITS Public Relations)

Reporter: Ricardo Hokky Wibisono

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