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December 31, 2022 00:12

Three Years in a Row, ITS Succeeds in Maintaining its Informative Predicate at the 2022 Public Information Disclosure Award

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PPID Utama ITS sekaligus Sekretaris ITS (SekITS) Dr Umi Laili Yuhana SKom MSc (kanan) bersama PPID Pelaksana ITS Tommy Nuril Hudha usai menerima penghargaan sebagai Badan Publik Informatif di ajang Anugerah Keterbukaan Informasi Publik tahun 2022 di Jakarta

PPID Utama ITS sekaligus Sekretaris ITS (SekITS) Dr Umi Laili Yuhana SKom MSc (kanan) bersama PPID Pelaksana ITS Tommy Nuril Hudha usai menerima penghargaaan sebagai Badan Publik Informatif di ajang Anugerah Keterbukaan Informasi Publik tahun 2022 di Jakarta

ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) again received an Informative Predicate in the 2022 Public Information Openness Award. This title has been successfully maintained for three consecutive years, with a Public Information Openness Index of 97.28.

This value is far from the average National Index of only 74.43. “We are very grateful for the 2022 Public Information Openness Award, which has named ITS an Informative public body in the State University category,” said Dr Umi Laili Yuhana SKom MSc, Secretary of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (SekITS), who was present at the 2022 Public Information Openness Award. At the Atria Hotel, Gading Serpong, Tangerang, Wednesday (14/12).

According to this lecturer from the Department of Informatics Engineering, ITS has experienced an increase in the index for three consecutive years. This cannot be separated from the participation of all academics. “This award is an achievement for all of us, including all lecturers and education staff and students who always provide excellent service and information needed by lecturers, student education staff, parents of students, alumni and the community,” he said.

The lecturer, who is familiarly called Yuhana, also expressed her gratitude to the Central Information Commission, which continues to oversee and provide direction and motivation. “As well as for media partners, both print and electronic, who are perfect partners in forwarding any information provided by ITS,” he said.

Komisioner Komisi Informasi Pusat (KIP) Syawaludin (kanan) saat menyerahkan piala Anugerah Keterbukaan Informasi Publik 2022 Kategori PTN kepada Sekretaris ITS Dr Umi Laili Yuhana SKom MSc

Commissioner of the Central Information Commission (KIP) Syawaludin (right) handing over the 2022 Public Information Openness Award for the PTN Category to ITS Secretary Dr Umi Laili Yuhana SKom MSc

Yuhana melanjutkan, predikat Informatif dimaknai sebagai sebuah kewajiban bagi ITS untuk selalu mengedepankan keterbukaan informasi di lingkungan ITS dan menjaga layanan informasi kepada masyarakat agar tetap maksimal. Transformasi Digital yang dicanangkan dan dilaksanakan menjadi kunci dalam peningkatan layanan dan informasi yang diberikan oleh ITS kepada semua stakeholders. “Ini merupakan prestasi kita semua sebagai dampak dari upaya keterbukaan informasi publik dan layanan prima yang senantiasa kita hadirkan untuk semua stakeholders,” pungkasnya.

Peningkatan kualitas pelayanan ini dicapai melalui beberapa hal. Yakni melalui berbagai inovasi teknologi yang terus ditingkatkan dalam memberikan kemudahan masyarakat dalam mengakses informasi seputar ITS. Selain itu, melakukan survei kepuasaan demi menjaga kepuasan masyarakat dan meningkatkan kecepatan layanan pemenuhan kebutuhan informasi yang diinginkan oleh masyarakat serta sivitas akademika ITS.

Menteri Koordinator Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan Republik Indonesia (Menkopolhukam RI) Mohammad Mahfud MD saat memberikan sambutan pada Anugerah Keterbukaan Informasi Publik 2022

Menteri Koordinator Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan Republik Indonesia (Menkopolhukam RI) Mohammad Mahfud MD saat memberikan sambutan pada Anugerah Keterbukaan Informasi Publik 2022

The Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security of the Republic of Indonesia (Menkopolhukam RI) Mahfud MD said access to information was essential to ensuring public participation in the government’s policy-making process. Fulfilling the right to report to the community is also a necessary element of human rights. “Therefore, information must be given to everyone. Every public agency must be open to all information. To Public Bodies that have received informative predicates, to truly maintain their predicates, by further improving the management and service of Public Information,” he said.

The person in charge of Monev for the Central Information Commission (KIP), Handoko Agung Saputro, said that there had been a significant increase in the implementation of the 2022 Monev Award because 122 Public Bodies had succeeded in becoming Informative from the seven categories of Public Bodies. “The achievement of the 122 Informative Public Bodies has exceeded the target of the national medium-term development plan from Bappenas, which is 98 Informative Public Bodies,” he said.

Anugerah Keterbukaan Informasi Publik 2022

Public Information Disclosure Award 2022

Handoko, who is also the Head of the Central KI Institutional Sector, noted on the results of the 2022 Monev that although Public Bodies that have achieved an informative title have increased, there are still fundamental weaknesses related to the availability of documents or information that are categorized as available at any time. “Many public agencies still state that the contract documents for the procurement of goods and services are information exempt, the legal basis for exclusion of information is weak, and the information service mechanism is not coordinated,” he said.

Therefore, he added, the leaders of Public Agencies no longer merely pursued an informative title but had to improve their information service mechanisms, including reviewing information or documents that should have been categorized as open but were declared excluded. Apart from the category of State Universities (PTN), there are six other categories, namely Ministries, State Institutions – Non-Ministerial Government Institutions (LN-LPNK), Non-Structural Institutions (LNS), Provincial Government (Pemprov), State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), and Political Parties (Parpol). (ITS Public Relations)

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