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February 09, 2023 19:02

Implementation of SNPMB 2023 for Prospective PTN New Students Officially Opened

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Press conference on the opening of the 2023 SNPMB implementation in Jakarta

Jakarta, ITS News –  The implementation of the National Selection for New Student Admissions (SNPMB) was officially opened by the SNPMB Preparation Team, in a press conference, Tuesday (10/1). The activity, which was held at the Atanaya Room of the Century Park Hotel, Jakarta, reviewed the latest information and techniques related to the upcoming state university entrance selection (PTN) through SNPMB, specifically on the National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP).

The General Chairperson of the SNPMB Responsible Team Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng said that the finalization system that will take effect in 2023 is not much different from the system that has been implemented in previous years. “One of the things that has changed is the integration between academic, vocational, and Islamic religious PTNs which is adjusted to be more inclusive,” said Ashari, his nickname.

The Chancellor of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) also reiterated that there was a change in the name of the PTN selection route that would take effect, namely SNBP for the achievement track and National Selection Based on Tests (SNBT) for the written test route. In addition, the independent exams for each PTN are also still in effect and refer to the scores of the Computer-Based Writing Test on SNBT (UTBK-SNBT).

General Chairperson of the SNPMB 2023 Responsible Team Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng when explaining the technical aspects of the 2023 SNPMB system for the SNBP, SNBT, and Mandiri lines

This program, the result of a collaboration between the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) and all PTNs through the Education Standards, Curriculum and Assessment Agency (BSKAP), is supported by a system that builds a unified education data in Indonesia. The system is based on Basic Education Data (Dapodik) for SMA/SMK and the Education Management Information System (EMIS) for Madrasah Aliyah (MA).

Not only that, the SNPMB portal is also built in a Single Sign On (SSO) manner. Starting from registering SNPMB accounts for both schools and students, followed by filling in the School and Student Data Base (PDSS), SNBP registration, SNBT registration, to UTBK-SNBT registration. “We remind schools and students to register their accounts so they can anticipate failing to register for the 2023 SNPMB,” said Ashari in front of the media crew.

With this change it is targeted to answer the readiness of prospective new students to progress in higher education. This change also succeeded in recording an increase in the number of PTNs, as many as 137 institutions, which contributed to the integration of data in the selection of higher education levels.

Furthermore, explained Ashari, specifically in the SNPMB selection pattern, prospective new students have the right to choose two study programs (prodi) from two different universities or the same university. In addition, prospective new students are also entitled to cross-majors, but taking into account the requirements for subject scores that will be weighted 50 percent and the remainder returned to PTN regarding the linearity of the value components.

The latest system and technical flow of the updated SNPMB 2023 implementation with an integrated acceptance pattern of Islamic academic, vocational and religious PTNs in Indonesia

For information on SNPMB selection, the stages of the SNBP pathway will begin with SNPMB account registration on 9 January – 9 February 2023. It should be noted that for graduates in 2023, SNPMB account registration will specifically end on 15 February 2023. As for the SNBT stage, SNPMB account registration can be starting on 14 – 28 February 2023.

Finally, Ashari also reminded all schools and students to validate data regularly. If later the student data is invalid, it is hoped that the relevant students will report to the school which will later be forwarded to Dapodik or EMIS. “This validation certainly also has an impact on the selection process of each student,” he concluded. (ITS Public Relations)


Reporter: Fauzan Fakhrizal Azmi

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