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February 09, 2023 19:02

To Prevent Hacking, ITS Students Develop Digital File Storage Applications

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The ITS Red Team has successfully developed innovative digital storage applications that are integrated with blockchain technology

ITS Campus, ITS News – Indonesian people’s anxiety about data and identity hacking is increasing. Moving on from this, three students from the Informatics Engineering Department of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) succeeded in developing a digital file storage application integrated with blockchain with the name Contract.

The three are Ivan, Pramudya Tiandana Wisnu Gautama, and Muhammad Iqbal Abdi. This application, according to Ivan Muhammad Nizar as the team leader, is a digital file storage application, like the Google Drive application. “Although similar, our application uses blockchain technology for security,” he explained.

This young man from Trenggalek explained, blockchain is a security technology by encrypting data or files in it. The advantage of this technology is that it has security that are related to one another, like a chain. This is supported by the blockchain system itself which is quite complex.

Ivan said, if there is someone who wants to hack the blockchain, then that person has to change the entire code that has been created. Apart from that, blockchain also uses multiple servers to secure user data. With these two systems, it will be easier to detect hacking. “This is the reason we integrate blockchain into this storage application,” he said.

As for the workings of this application, continued Ivan, initially the user will first register using the device they have. Then, the user saves the files he wants to save and gets a unique code. Later, this unique code will continue to be used to open the saved file. “If you forget the code, the file can still be opened as long as you use the same device when you first registered,” he said.

Display of the Contract application, a storage application developed by the ITS Red Team which can be used to store important files and data digitally

Ivan explained that the application they are developing is still not finished, due to the limited time they have to make blockchain technology. He admitted that blockchain technology is a technology that requires large and expensive servers, so they have to create their own version of the blockchain more simply. In addition, the lack of research related to blockchain is a challenge for them.

Although the application is still in the development stage, this team has won the first prize at the XV 2022 National Student Exhibition in the Field of Information and Communication Technology (Gemastik) in the Software Development category. In addition, Ivan emphasized that he was interested in further developing the blockchain technology through a Final Project (TA) research. That way, he hopes to be able to make new research on the blockchain technology. (ITS Public Relations)


Reporter: Regy Zaid Zakaria

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